course information of 102 - 02 | 2164 Q&A: Interview with Sociologists(問題與回答:社會學家經典訪談)

Taught In English2164 - 問題與回答:社會學家經典訪談 Q&A: Interview with Sociologists

教育目標 Course Target

這門名叫「問題與回答」的課,著眼於現今不少大學生不太清楚要如何問問題、問什麼問題、怎麼問才有意思,有些學生根據過去的學習經驗,甚至不認為有發問的必要,以至於在學習的過程中流於單向的知識吸收,欠缺互動交流所可能帶動的腦力激盪與發想。本課程的設計初衷,是想透過對社會學家經典訪談的閱讀,讓參與同學從中學習到如何發問,如何形構一個好的問題,如何在訪談過程中引導受訪者,使知無不言、言無不盡。對於受訪一方的解讀,還可以從中學習到,社會學家如何在有別於關起門來著書立說以及公開演講的情況下,即席回應一些很可能平常不太會想到的問題,回答時又如何一針見血、實問虛答或語帶玄機等等。除此之外,訪談的內容本身,大有學問;但由於口語化的關係,往往比學術著作或演講稿要淺顯易懂。閱讀訪談錄,因而不失為親近社會學家及其思想的一種不錯之方式。This course called "Questions and Answers" focuses on the fact that many college students today are not sure how to ask questions, what questions to ask, and how to ask questions in an interesting way. Some students do not even think it is necessary to ask questions based on their past learning experience. , so that in the process of learning, it becomes a one-way absorption of knowledge, lacking the brainstorming and ideas that may be driven by interactive communication. The original intention of this course is to read classic interviews with sociologists so that participating students can learn how to ask questions, how to formulate a good question, and how to guide the interviewee during the interview so that they can tell everything they know. , endless words. We can also learn from the interviewee’s interpretation of how sociologists respond impromptu to some questions that they may not normally think of, unlike those who write books and speak publicly behind closed doors. How can he hit the nail on the head, answer real questions with false answers, or speak with mysterious meanings, etc. In addition, the content of the interview itself is very knowledgeable; but due to the colloquial nature, it is often easier to understand than academic works or speeches. Reading interviews is therefore a good way to get closer to sociologists and their ideas.

參考書目 Reference Books

●Giddens, Anthony(紀登斯)等著,尹弘毅譯,《現代性──紀登斯訪談錄》(Making Sense of Modernity— Conversation with Anthony Giddens)。台北:聯經,2002
●Bauman, Zygmunt(包曼)等著,楊淑嬌譯,《與包曼對話》(Conversation with Bauman)。台北:巨流,2004
●Bourdieu, Pierre(布赫迪厄)著,陳逸淳譯,《所述之言:布赫迪厄反思社會學文集》(Choses Dites),台北:麥田,2012
●McLuhan, Marshall(麥克魯漢)等著,汪益譯,《預知傳播紀事》(Essential McLuhan)。台北,台灣商務
●Castells, Manuel(柯司特)等著,王志弘、徐苔玲譯,《與柯司特對話》(Conversations with Castells),台北:巨流,2006
●Habermas, Jürgen(哈伯瑪斯)著,曹衛東等選譯,《哈貝馬斯精粹》,南京:南京大學,2004
●Habermas, Jürgen(哈伯瑪斯)等著,章國鋒譯,《作為未來的過去:與哲學大師哈伯瑪斯對話》(Vergangenheit Als Zukunft),台北市:先覺,2003
●Bi Hengda, "Why Didn't the Professor Tell Me?" Taipei: Xiao Bi, 2010
●Giddens, Anthony (Giddens) et al., translated by Yin Hongyi, "Making Sense of Modernity—Conversation with Anthony Giddens". Taipei: Lianjing, 2002
●Bauman, Zygmunt (Bauman) et al., translated by Yang Shujiao, "Conversation with Bauman" (Conversation with Bauman). Taipei: Juliu, 2004
●Bourdieu, Pierre, translated by Chen Yichun, Choses Dites, Taipei: Maitian, 2012
●McLuhan, Marshall (McLuhan) et al., translated by Wang Yi, "Chronicle of Precognition Communication" (Essential McLuhan). Taipei, Taiwan Business
●Castells, Manuel et al., translated by Wang Zhihong and Xu Tailing, "Conversations with Castells", Taipei: Juliu, 2006
●Habermas, Jürgen (Habermas), selected and translated by Cao Weidong and others, "The Essence of Habermas", Nanjing: Nanjing University, 2004
●Habermas, Jürgen et al., translated by Zhang Guofeng, "The Past as the Future: Dialogue with the Philosopher Habermas" (Vergangenheit Als Zukunft), Taipei: Xianjue, 2003

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class participation
30 出席與現場發言
Group report
30 口頭報告、2000字書面報告與訪談影片分享
Final report
40 8000字或5000字問答逐字稿與訪談紀要

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[SS207]
授課教師 Teacher:曹敏吉
修課班級 Class:社會系1
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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