course information of 102 - 02 | 2182 Seminar on Pierre Bourdieu(布迪厄社會學專題)

Taught In English2182 - 布迪厄社會學專題 Seminar on Pierre Bourdieu

教育目標 Course Target

法國社會學家皮耶•布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)曾對社會學下過一個註解:社會學是一門戰鬥的運動。這樣的態度,也貫穿了他的整個學術生涯的所有工作。從他早期的阿爾及利亞殖民地的研究,中期對教育、文化、藝術、品味與社會階級的研究,一直到晚期對科學的反省以及對國家角色的重新思考,都圍繞著一個相同的主題:各式各樣的宰制(dominations)在社會中是如何構成及永續的?諸如:資產階級在經濟上的宰制、上流階級在文化上的宰制、由男性所宰制的兩性關係…等等。而社會學的任務,正是在於去剖析這些宰制是如何構成的、如何能更永續下去、如何使既有的社會秩序能夠持續地再生產;以及,面對這些宰制,人們是否有抵抗、與之戰鬥的可能?本課程將循著Bourdieu的研究軌跡,來一一理解社會世界中所存在的各式各樣的宰制形式,以及,是否有可能與之對抗。 藉由介紹布迪厄的諸多研究內容與軌跡,本課程的的重要的教學目標在於:使學生具備透過抽象的思考來反思真實世界運作機制的能力。因此,本課程除了閱讀與教學之外,也會透過問題討論的方式,要求同學以課堂中的教學內容,來對台灣本土的實際社會現象進行反思與對照,訓練同學具備以理論來進行實際思考與應用的能力。問題討論沒有標準答案,但希望同學能夠從課堂中所教授的理論概念出發,對問題進行正反兩面的思辨。 布迪厄的作品素有艱澀難懂之風,為了使其易於理解與親近,本課程的閱讀書目將以現有的中譯作品為主,英譯作品為輔。教師也將以法文原著的內容製作提綱挈領的中文摘要來進行教學。French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu once commented on sociology: sociology is a fighting sport. This attitude permeated all his work throughout his academic career. From his early studies of the Algerian colony, to his mid-term studies of education, culture, art, taste and social class, to his late reflections on science and rethinking the role of the state, they all revolve around the same theme: all kinds of How are such dominations formed and sustained in society? Such as: the economic dominance of the bourgeoisie, the cultural dominance of the upper class, the relationship between the sexes dominated by men... and so on. The task of sociology is to analyze how these dominations are formed, how they can be made more sustainable, how they can continue to reproduce the existing social order, and whether people resist these dominations. , the possibility of fighting it? This course will follow Bourdieu's research trajectory to understand the various forms of domination that exist in the social world and whether it is possible to combat them. By introducing Bourdieu's many research contents and trajectories, the important teaching goal of this course is to equip students with the ability to reflect on the operating mechanisms of the real world through abstract thinking. Therefore, in addition to reading and teaching, this course will also use problem discussions to require students to reflect on and compare the actual social phenomena in Taiwan with the teaching content in the classroom, and train students to use theory to conduct practical thinking. and application capabilities. There is no standard answer to the question discussion, but we hope that students can start from the theoretical concepts taught in class and think about both sides of the question. Bourdieu's works have always been difficult to understand. In order to make them easier to understand and approach, the reading list of this course will be mainly existing Chinese-translated works, supplemented by English-translated works. Teachers will also make Chinese summaries with outlines of the content of the original French works for teaching.

參考書目 Reference Books


《布赫迪厄社會學的第一課》,Bonnewitz, P., 2002, 台北:麥田。
《布赫迪厄論電視》,Bourdieu, P., 2002, 台北:麥田。
《防火牆 : 抵擋新自由主義的入侵》,Bourdieu, P., 2002, 台北:麥田。
《以火攻火:催生一個歐洲社會運動》,Bourdieu, P., 2003, 台北:麥田。
《實作理論綱要》,Bourdieu, P., 2009, 台北:麥田。
《布赫迪厄社會學面面觀》,Bourdieu, P., 2009, 台北:麥田。
《所述之言:布赫迪厄反思社會學文集》,Bourdieu, P., 2012, 台北:麥田。
Bibliography for Reading and Written Reports

"The First Lesson in Bourdieu's Sociology", Bonnewitz, P., 2002, Taipei: Wheatfield.
"Bourdieu on Television", Bourdieu, P., 2002, Taipei: Wheatfield.
"The Great Firewall: Resisting the Invasion of Neoliberalism", Bourdieu, P., 2002, Taipei: Wheatfield.
Fighting Fire with Fire: Giving birth to a European Social Movement, Bourdieu, P., 2003, Taipei: Wheatfield.
"Outline of Implementation Theory", Bourdieu, P., 2009, Taipei: Wheatfield.
"Aspects of Bourdieu's Sociology", Bourdieu, P., 2009, Taipei: Wheatfield.
"The Words Said: Essays on Bourdieu's Reflective Sociology", Bourdieu, P., 2012, Taipei: Wheatfield.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
final exam
Group Class Report
Group final written report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7,8[AG102]
授課教師 Teacher:陳逸淳
修課班級 Class:社會系2,3,4
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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