course information of 109 - 1 | 7174 Research Methods(研究方法)

7174 - 研究方法 Research Methods

教育目標 Course Target

具備理解、分析、綜合現有研究成果,將研究結果轉化為可用的策略與解決方案,是成為真正的景觀設計與規劃專業人員之必要的能力。以此為基礎方能以系統式的方式理解人與周圍環境之間的複雜與互動關係。本課程概述了研究在景觀設計與規劃中的角色,協助了解找出與解析設計與規劃中所面對的議題不同不略和方法,並探索各類研究實踐和方法的類型。本課程亦將提供學生完成其論文所需的基本研究方法知識與技能。這些技巧包括(1)研究問題之建構(2)研究設計(3)資料搜集與分析的方法(4)研究結果的展現與報告的撰寫。此外,本課程內容除了傳授與研究方法有關的知識外,還特別著重於實例的操練,包括研究問題釐清、撰寫研究假設、研究目的與設計的整合。Having the understanding, analysis, and integrating existing research results and converting research results into available strategies and solutions is the necessary ability to become a professional in real landscape design and planning. This can be used as a basis to understand the complex and interaction between people and the surrounding environment in a systematic way. This course outlines the role of research in landscape design and planning, helps to understand and find out the differences and methods of the issues facing design and planning, and explores the types of research practices and methods. This course will also provide students with basic research method knowledge and skills required to complete their papers. These techniques include (1) the construction of research questions (2) the research design (3) the method of data collection and analysis (4) the presentation of research results and the writing of reports. In addition, in addition to teaching knowledge related to research methods, the content of this course also focuses on the practice of examples, including clearing research questions, writing research hypothesis, integrating research purposes and design.

課程概述 Course Description

Giving the overview of Research Methods and insights into Research Methods components. Main topics include: 1.Clarifying the research question. 2.Research design strategy. 3.Data collection & preparation. 4.Data Analysis & interpretation. 5.Research reporting. 6.Management decision.
Giving the overview of Research Methods and insights into Research Methods components. Main topics include: 1.Clarifying the research question. 2. Research design strategy. 3.Data collection & preparation. 4.Data Analysis & interpretation. 5. Research reporting. 6. Management decision.

參考書目 Reference Books

● Babbie, E 李美華譯 The Practice of Social Research(8th edition)時英出版社(中文版)
● Inquiry by Design: Research Methods for Practitioners.
● 蔡今中,(2013),社會科學研究與論文寫作:成功發表秘笈(第四版),高等教育出版社。
● 吳珮瑛,(2016),老師在講你有在聽嗎?論文寫作之規範及格式(第三刷),翰蘆。
● Ridley, Diana, (2011), 張可婷譯,一步步教您做文獻回顧,新北市:韋伯文化國際。

● Babbie, E Li Meihua translated The Practice of Social Research (8th edition) Chuying Publishing House (Chinese version)
● Inquiry by Design: Research Methods for Practitioners.
● Cai Jinzhong, (2013), Social Science Research and Discussion: The Secret of Successful Publication (Fourth Edition), Higher Education Press.
● Wu Peiying, (2016), is the teacher telling you that you are listening? The rules and formats of writing (third brush), Hansu.
● Ridley, Diana, (2011), Zhang Keting translated, teaches you how to do cultural revision step by step, New Taipei City: Weibo Cultural International.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course Participation and Discussion/Course Preparation
15 課程閱讀與閱讀筆記,真的是看課堂上對於讀物的了解程度,不定時抽問
Research method practice
30 1. 根據研究目的,選定研究方法,進行文獻收集 2. 下載Endnotes, 利用Endnotes收集文獻資料 3. Import the search result into Endnote. 4. 找出你研究領域內可以投稿的期刊或是研討會各3個,至少一個英文的 5. 介紹該研究方法
Final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/11,12,13[AG120]
授課教師 Teacher:原友蘭
修課班級 Class:景觀碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:主掛,碩專班7216課程併班上課
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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