course information of 103 - 2 | 2143 Sociology(社會學)

Taught In English2143 - 社會學 Sociology

教育目標 Course Target

上個學期,我們解釋了什麼是階級、馬克斯主義、社會化歷程、社會結構、關係與費孝通《鄉土中國》,我們也簡介了文化、結構功能論、自殺與各類的議題。本學期將延續上學期未完成課程,將主題放在更多新發展議題與具體台灣與國際社會研究案例上。在閱讀一些具體的研究之後,希望同學於期末報告中發展出更多的社會學思考與簡單初步的調查。除此之外,本學期的重點在於使得同學的社會學閱讀寫作、批判思考與分析、小組討論能更具有條理與組織,並期能開始運用基本的社會學理論。課程可分為三部分,第一部份,回顧上學期所學並重新思考「社會學想像」是什麼。第二部分,以種族、性別不平等,及國家政府為主題,第三部分我們將探討新興的社會學議題,如科技與社會、並且試圖以比較跨學科方式來探討各種台灣社會議題。除此之外,課程也將訓練同學開始著手分析自己有興趣的社會議題,並初步開展對不同議題的分析研究能力。In the last period, we explained what level, Maxism, the socialization process, social structure, relationship and Feixiaotong "County China". We also introduced the discussion of culture, structural function, self-kill and various issues. This period will continue the course of the last period and the topic will be placed on more new development topics and specific cases of Taiwan and international social research. After reading some specific research, I hope that students will develop more social thinking and simple preliminary surveys in the final report. In addition, the focus of this period is to enable students' social reading, critical thinking and analysis, and group discussions to be more rational and organized, and to start using basic social theories. The course can be divided into three parts. The first part is to review the study in the previous period and rethink what "social imagination" is. The second part is about ethnicity, gender inequality, and national government. The third part is about new social issues, such as science and society, and experimenting with various social issues in Taiwan in a comparatively interdisciplinary way. In addition, the course will also train students to analyze their interested social issues, and initially develop their analytical and research capabilities for different issues.

參考書目 Reference Books

三. 讀物: 延續上學期的教科書閱讀,此學期增加的讀物以及建議同學自己找的閱讀資料。
3. Giddens, Anthony著,張家銘等譯(1997),《社會學》。台北:唐山。

3. Reading: Continue reading of textbooks in the previous period, the reading materials added during this period and the reading materials recommended by students to find themselves.
1.Editor Wang Zhenhuan and Qu Haiyuan, 2003, "Social Science and Taiwan Society", a huge stream.
20% Ling Fang, Lin Fengling, Wu Jialing, 2001, "Seeing Trees and See Lin: Social Sciences as a Life and Reality
and promise. Taipei: Group studies.
3. Giddens, Anthony, translated by Zhang Jiayan et al. (1997), "Social Science". Taipei: Tangshan.

[Other articles that are self-copying, please see the readings below every week]

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Personal Social Conference Problem Report
Midterm exam
Final exam
Final report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6,7,8[SS323]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭斐文
修課班級 Class:社會系1B
選課備註 Memo:限本系,不開放推廣部隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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