course information of 103 - 2 | 1936 Sociology(社會學)

Taught In English1936 - 社會學 Sociology

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的目標在於以社會學式的思考方式(或者是所謂的「社會學的想像」),來思考社會與其中諸領域的關連,也將特別針對經濟學,來思考經濟思考在社會中所引發的效應。例如經濟場域的的構成有哪些社會背景?如何發揮其效力?經濟計算在社會中的運作有何侷限?諸如此類,本課程的目標不在於全面性地介紹何謂社會學,而在於透過培養社會學的想像能力,亦即去揭開在表面上看起來理所當然的事物的面紗,並以科學的方式探究社會中諸多現象的的起源、規則、結構、功能及其限制。The purpose of this course is to think about the connection between society and its areas in a socially oriented way of thinking (or so-called "social imagination"), and to think about the effects of economic thinking in society. For example, what are the social backgrounds of the economic field? How to achieve its effectiveness? What are the restrictions on economic calculations’ operations in society? In this way, the purpose of this course is not to comprehensively introduce what society is, but to cultivate the imagination of society, that is, to uncover the face of things that seem natural on the surface, and to explore the origins, rules, structures, functions and limitations of various phenomena in society in a scientific way.

課程概述 Course Description

社會學是認識世界的識框,藉由社會學基本概念的啟發與社會學的想像,我們可以進 而理解架構社會的基礎、方式,與社會結構、社會組成、人群互動、歷史變遷、及存 世經驗等。社會學的基本學科精神是批判且反身自省的,因此,本課程企圖藉由介紹 社會學的基本概念,以引發社會學知識興趣及視野為主。本課程重視課堂討論與習作 實踐,盼能使修課同學能透過習作的實做及思考,一方面發現社會的多面向,同時省 思社會是否僅有唯一標準之外;另一方面也期望能夠藉由此一基礎課程,引發及訓練 來自於不同學科間的課程參與者,能將社會學的想像實踐在未來不同的性向生涯中, 並能將社會學思考的面向重新帶入實作場域。 本課程安排主要分成兩大部分,第一部分著重於社會學基本概念的引介,以及重要的 社會學研究取向與發問方式;第二部分著重於社會學和台灣社會間的關係,特別是經 濟社會學的核心關懷、分析方法、及議題視野。貫穿全課程都會特別注重有關社會不 平等之議題。期待同學在修畢這門課程之後,在往後進行經濟學相關工作與分析時, 能將社會學的思考面向重新帶入。
Social science is the box of understanding the world. Through the initiation of basic social concepts and the imagination of social science, we can Understand the foundation and methods of structural society, with social structure, social organization, population interaction, historical change, and existence World experience, etc. The basic spirit of social science is critical and reflective, so this course is introduced by The basic concept of social science is mainly to attract social knowledge and interests and vision. This course focuses on discussion and practice in class In fact, I hope that students in the course can achieve through the practice and thinking, on the one hand, they discover the multi-faceted aspects of society, and at the same time, Thinking about whether society has only a unique standard; on the other hand, we also hope to induce and train through this basic course Course participants from different subjects can bring social imagination into different sexual careers in the future. It can also bring the social thinking orientation back into the field of practice. This course is mainly divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the introduction of basic social concepts and important Social research orientation and questioning methods; the second part focuses on the relationship between society and Taiwan society, especially The core concerns, analytical methods, and discussions of economic society. When you wear the whole course, you will pay special attention to social issues. Equality Question. I hope that after studying this course, students will conduct economic-related work and analysis in the future. Be able to re-engage social thinking.

參考書目 Reference Books

Johnson, allan G., 2003,《見樹又見林─社會學作為一種生活、實踐與承諾》,成令方/林鶴玲/吳嘉苓譯,台北:群學。
王振寰等著,2009, 《社會學與台灣社會》(第三版以上),台北:巨流。
Johnson, allan G., 2003, "Seeing Trees and Seeing Lin - Social Sciences as a Life, Reality and Confession", Cheng Lingfang/Lin Jingling/Yu Jialing Lu, Taipei: Group Science.
Wang Zhenhuan et al., 2009, "Social Science and Taiwan Society" (third edition or above), Taipei: Julius.
Editor He Mingxiu, 2014, "Human Society", Taipei: Group Science.
Lin Zonghong et al., 2011, "The Collapse of Age: The Crisis of Financial Transformation, Independence and Little Children", Taipei: Taiwan Labor Network.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Group class report
Final report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7,8[SS205]
授課教師 Teacher:陳逸淳
修課班級 Class:經濟系1-4
選課備註 Memo:不辦理老師簽名選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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