course information of 103 - 2 | 2179 Phenomenological Sociology(現象學社會學)

Taught In English2179 - 現象學社會學 Phenomenological Sociology

教育目標 Course Target

現象學社會學?光看名稱就很奇怪,把兩門學問湊在一起,搞什麼鬼啊!這門學科的英文直譯應該是「現象學的社會學」,大意是以現象學的觀點、方法或態度等去處理社會學的問題,或為社會哲學奠基。 社會學是一門統整性的學科,它涉及政治、經濟、歷史、文化與藝術等諸多不同的領域;最初這些分科是被哲學所收編,因知識體系的專門化而各自分工,社會學發現其中的問題,才又把這些學問給逗攏起來。據此,可以說,社會學與哲學是有血緣關係的;然而,當社會學越來越社會科學化,也就越來越遠離了哲學,同時也遠離了它初衷。 現象學社會學作為一門跨學科的學問,是哲學與社會學的橋樑,它以生活經驗作為兩者共同的基礎,既有助於釐清社會學的基本問題,也有益於哲學落實在生活世界之中。此外,現象學社會學所關注的理解他人、互為主體、符號研究等議題,也與理解社會學、溝通行動、社會系統等社會理論息息相關,值得關心這些議題的同學們細細品味這門很有意思的學問。Phenomenological sociology? Just looking at the name is very strange. What the hell are you doing when you put two disciplines together? The English literal translation of this discipline should be "phenomenological sociology", which means to use phenomenological viewpoints, methods or attitudes to deal with sociological issues, or to lay the foundation for social philosophy. Sociology is an integrated discipline that involves many different fields such as politics, economics, history, culture, and art. Initially, these sub-disciplines were included in philosophy, and they were divided due to the specialization of the knowledge system. Sociology found that among them Only by asking questions can these knowledge be teased together again. Based on this, it can be said that sociology and philosophy are closely related; however, as sociology becomes more and more scientific, it becomes further and further away from philosophy and its original intention. As an interdisciplinary subject, phenomenological sociology is a bridge between philosophy and sociology. It uses life experience as the common basis of both. It not only helps to clarify the basic issues of sociology, but also helps to implement philosophy in the living world. middle. In addition, issues such as understanding others, intersubjectivity, and symbolic research that phenomenological sociology focuses on are also closely related to social theories such as understanding sociology, communicative action, and social systems. It is worth studying this very important subject carefully for students who care about these issues. Interesting knowledge.

參考書目 Reference Books

●Alfred Schutz(舒茲)著,盧嵐蘭譯,《舒茲論文集第一冊》(Collected Papers Vol. I : The Problem of Social Reality)。台北:桂冠,2002。
●Alfred Schutz著,霍桂桓譯,《社會理論研究》(Collected Papers Vol. II :Studies inSocial Theory)。杭州:浙江大學,2011。
●Dermot Moran著,蔡錚雲譯,《現象學導論》(Introduction to Phenomenology)。台北:桂冠,2005。
●You Congqi, "Social World and Cultural Differences: A Phenomenological Investigation". Taipei: Dayan Culture, 2007
●Alfred Schutz, translated by Lu Lanlan, "Collected Papers Vol. I: The Problem of Social Reality". Taipei: Guiguan, 2002.
●Alfred Schutz, translated by Huo Guihuan, "Collected Papers Vol. II: Studies in Social Theory". Hangzhou: Zhejiang University, 2011.
●Introduction to Phenomenology, written by Dermot Moran and translated by Cai Zhengyun. Taipei: Guiguan, 2005.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Group report
Class performance
20 含出席與發言
midterm exam
Speech experience

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[C219]
授課教師 Teacher:曹敏吉
修課班級 Class:社會系1-4
選課備註 Memo:不開放隨班附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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