course information of 103 - 2 | 5022 Sociology of Literature(文藝社會學)

Taught In English5022 - 文藝社會學 Sociology of Literature

教育目標 Course Target

這門課的目標在於從文學與歷史社會關係的角度拓展與深化研究中國古典與現代文學的思維與方法。我們將介紹文藝社會學的基本概念、研究面向與方法,選讀理論與批評實踐的代表作,藉以探討文學的歷史與美學的辨證關係。The goal of this course is to expand and deepen the thinking and methods of studying Chinese classical and modern literature from the perspective of the relationship between literature and history and society. We will introduce the basic concepts, research aspects and methods of literary sociology, and select representative works of theory and critical practice to explore the dialectical relationship between literary history and aesthetics.

參考書目 Reference Books

Adorno, Theodor.(阿多諾)"Lyrics and society”〈抒情詩與社會〉收於 Notes to Literature I ( Columbia U., 1991 );亦見The Adorno Reader, ed. Brian O’ Connor (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2000)

Bakhtin, M.M.(巴赫金) The Dialogic Imagination, ed. Michael Holquist (Austin:U of Texas, 1981)

Belsey, Catherine.Critical Practice ( Routledge, 1980)

Benjamin, Walter.(班雅明)《迎向靈光消逝的年代》(許綺玲譯。台灣攝影工作室,1998)
《發達資本主義時代的抒情詩人》(張旭東等譯。北京三聯,1989 )

Bourdieu, Pierre.(布迪歐)The Field of Cultural Production ( Columbia U., 1993 )

Clark, Katerina &Holquist, Michael (霍奎斯特) Mikhail Bakhtin (Boston: Harvard U,1984)
《米哈伊爾•巴赫金》(語冰譯。北京:中國人民大學, 2000)

Eagleton, Terry.(伊戈頓)Ideology: An Introduction ( Verso, 1991 )
Marxism and Literary Criticism ( Berkeley: U. of Calif.,1976 )
*《馬克思主義與文學批評》( 文寶譯。南方叢書,1987)

Escarpit, Robert.《文學社會學》(葉淑燕譯。遠流,1990)

Goldmann, Lucien.(戈德曼)Essays on Method in the Sociology of Literature( Telos,1980 )

Lukacs, Georg.(盧卡奇)《小說理論》(楊恆達譯。五南)

Williams, Raymond.(雷蒙•威廉斯)* Marxism and Literature ( Oxford U. Press, 1977 )
* Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society ( Oxford U.




Adorno, Theodor. "Lyrics and society" in Notes to Literature I (Columbia U., 1991); see also The Adorno Reader, ed. Brian O' Connor (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers , 2000)

Bakhtin, M.M. The Dialogic Imagination, ed. Michael Holquist (Austin: U of Texas, 1981)
"The Complete Works of Bakhtin" consists of six volumes (Shijiazhuang: Hebei Education, 1998)

Belsey, Catherine.Critical Practice (Routledge, 1980)

Benjamin, Walter. "Toward the Era of the Fading Aura" (Translated by Hsu Chi-ling. Taiwan Photography Studio, 1998)
"Lyric Poets in the Era of Advanced Capitalism" (translated by Zhang Xudong and others. Beijing Sanlian, 1989)
"The Storyteller" (Translated by Lin Zhiming. Taiwan Photography Studio, 1998)
"Enlightenment" (translated by Zhang Xudong and others. Oxford, Hong Kong, 1998)

Bourdieu, Pierre. The Field of Cultural Production (Columbia U., 1993)
"The Laws of Art - The Generation and Structure of Field" (translated by Liu Hui. Beijing: Central Compilation, 2001)

Clark, Katerina &Holquist, Michael Mikhail Bakhtin (Boston: Harvard U,1984)
"Mikhail Bakhtin" (translated by Yu Bing. Beijing: Renmin University of China, 2000)

Eagleton, Terry. Ideology: An Introduction (Verso, 1991)
Marxism and Literary Criticism (Berkeley: U. of Calif.,1976)
*"Marxism and Literary Criticism" (translated by Wen Bao. Southern Books, 1987)

Escarpit, Robert. "Sociology of Literature" (translated by Ye Shuyan. Yuanliu, 1990)

Goldmann, Lucien. Essays on Method in the Sociology of Literature (Telos, 1980)

Lukacs, Georg. (Lukacs) "Theory of Novel" (Translated by Yang Hengda. Wunan)
"On Realism" (Translated by Chen Wenchang. Athens Library)

Williams, Raymond.* Marxism and Literature (Oxford U. Press, 1977)
* Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (Oxford U.

He Jinlan* "Sociology of Literature" (Lai Guan, 1989)

Liu Changyuan* "Lukács and His Literary and Philosophical Thoughts" (Lianjing, 1991)

Liu Kang "The Noise of Dialogue: A Review of Bakhtin's Cultural Theory" (Wheatfield, 1995)

Wang Caiyong, "Modern Aesthetic Philosophy: An Essay on the Aesthetics of the Frankfurt School" (Shu Lin, 2000)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
class report
Final report
Attendance and Class Participation

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/3,4[H551]
授課教師 Teacher:彭錦堂
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 8 人。

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