本課程在認識心理學的基本概念,藉由課程講授瞭解心理學的基本模型、初步認識人類發展階段及影響發展的因素,以及對人類社會行為的影響,運用小組活動探究人類的知覺與思考的方式以及思考模式,理解注意力、學習、記憶、決策等基本心理學概念及其對人類行為的影響; 並帶領同學討論情緒的性質、功能和社會文化基礎,瞭解不同情感的表達方式及其對心理和行為的影響; 進一步探究人際互動和社交關係,瞭解個體在不同場域中的社會行為和觀念,使同學未來有能力將心理學的理論、方法與現實課題相結合,於日常生活和不同領域中有所應用。This course aims to understand the basic concepts of psychology. Through course teaching, you will understand the basic models of psychology, initially understand the stages of human development and the factors that affect development, as well as the impact on human social behavior. It uses group activities to explore human perception and thinking. ways and thinking patterns, and understand basic psychological concepts such as attention, learning, memory, and decision-making and their impact on human behavior; and lead students to discuss the nature, function, and social and cultural basis of emotions, and understand the expression methods of different emotions and their impact on human behavior. psychological and behavioral effects; Further explore interpersonal interactions and social relationships, and understand individuals’ social behaviors and concepts in different fields, so that students will be able to combine psychological theories and methods with real-life topics and apply them in daily life and different fields.
Psychology is a diverse science that attempts to explore the universal principles and principles of human behavior and changes in psychological processes. This psychology course covers the historical development of psychology, an introduction to the influence of the human brain and nervous system on human behavior, human perception and state of consciousness, principles of human behavioral learning, memory breadth and forgetting process, language, thinking and Problem solving, introduction to intelligence and ability, introduction to personality theory, motivation of behavior, human emotions, causes and categories of abnormal behavior, psychotherapy, human response to stress and health, etc., enable students to have a basic understanding of human psychology. understanding.
普通心理學(二版)。Robert J.Sternberg著;黎士鳴,蔡宗延編著;鄭昭明,陳億貞譯。雙葉書廊。
General Psychology (2nd ed.). Written by Robert J.Sternberg; edited by Li Shiming and Cai Zongyan; translated by Zheng Zhaoming and Chen Yizhen. Double leaf book gallery.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂出席課堂出席 class attendance |
15 | 課堂點名依比例給分。 |
課堂參與課堂參與 class participation |
15 | 依課堂活動參與給分。 |
自我反思報告(Reflection Paper)自我反思報告(Reflection Paper) Reflection Paper |
15 | 期中考前繳交。 |
期中測驗期中測驗 midterm test |
20 |