course information of 113 - 1 | 6074 Psychology on Decision Making(決策心理學)

6074 - 決策心理學 Psychology on Decision Making

教育目標 Course Target

根據心理學及行為經濟(財務)學的研究,人類做決策(做決定)時,往往受到許多自己很難察覺到的「不理性」心理因素影響,導致決策品質低落。值得注意的是,不但做小決定時會有這種問題,做重大決策時也很難「免疫」。很多時候,人們是自以為理性地做出不理性的決策。本課程旨在探討「正常人」都會有的幾個「經常導致決策不理性」的「捷思(heuristics)」,或可稱為「大腦決策過程的bugs」;藉此來協助學員培養在決策過程中適時將一些對決策具有重大影響的bugs辨識出來的能力。如此一來,除了能提升自己的決策品質(知己),也更能了解別人可能會如何作決策(知彼),進而知己知彼地做出更具品質的決策。領導的過程是由一連串的大小決策所構成,因此決策的品質直接攸關於領導的品質。本課程可協助認識並辨識常見的決策盲點,以利提升決策品質,進而提升領導品質。According to research in psychology and behavioral economics (finance), when humans make decisions (making decisions), they are often affected by many "irrational" psychological factors that are difficult to detect, resulting in low decision-making quality. It is worth noting that this problem not only occurs when making small decisions, but it is also difficult to be "immune" when making major decisions. Many times, people make irrational decisions because they think they are rational. This course aims to explore several "heuristics" that "normal people" have that "often lead to irrational decision-making", which may be called "bugs in the brain's decision-making process"; in order to help students develop their decision-making skills The ability to identify bugs that have a significant impact on decision-making in a timely manner during the process. In this way, in addition to improving the quality of your own decision-making (knowing yourself), you can also better understand how others may make decisions (knowing the enemy), and then make better quality decisions by knowing yourself and the enemy. The leadership process consists of a series of large and small decisions, so the quality of decisions is directly related to the quality of leadership. This course can help understand and identify common blind spots in decision-making, so as to improve the quality of decision-making and leadership quality.

參考書目 Reference Books

2.《Thinking, fast and slow》Kahneman著。
3. 《判斷與決策心理學》Hastie/Dawest著,林正昌譯,學富文化。

1. "Management and Business Psychology" by Lin Caiding, Canghai Book Company.
2. "Thinking, fast and slow" by Kahneman.
3. "The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making" by Hastie/Dawest, translated by Lin Zhengchang, Xuefu Wenhua.

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/10,11,12[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:謝俊魁
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:CEO組模組課程。上課時間:【週四18-21點】:9/26、10/3、10/17、10/24、10/31、11/7
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 29 人。

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