course information of 109 - 1 | 1804 Introduction to Political Science(政治學)

1804 - 政治學 Introduction to Political Science

教育目標 Course Target

政治科學(Political Science)在西方的知識脈絡發展中,淵源於哲學思想中的政治哲學。到晚近此學科迅速發展,而與社會學、經濟學等,成為社會科學中的一門科學。目前這個科學的領域,可以繼續細分為政治思想、比較政治、國際關係、公共行政等不同的次學門。儘管關心的主題和研究方式不盡相同,但主旨都是持續與現實生活的政治議題相結合,以達到解釋現實社會中的政治現象為基本目的。 本課程「政治學」之授課對象為政治系之同學,因此本課程以專業學科發展的基礎課程為目的,除了要求同學對政治科學的發展和內容有基本的的認識之外,也要求同學能對政治學的研究途徑、議題、與現實生活的關連性有基本的掌握,並且也希望能刺激同學對政治學產生基本的興趣。授課的主題大致上包括政治學的基本概念、研究途徑、意識形態、政體比較、政治態度、政治參與、政治溝通、政治制度、政府類型...等主題。Political Science (Political Science) originated from political philosophy in philosophical thought in the development of Western knowledge. In recent times, this subject has developed rapidly, and together with sociology, economics, etc., it has become a science in the social sciences. At present, this scientific field can be further subdivided into different sub-disciplines such as political thought, comparative politics, international relations, and public administration. Although the topics of concern and research methods are different, the main purpose is to continuously integrate with the political issues of real life to achieve the basic purpose of explaining political phenomena in real society. This course "Political Science" is taught to students in the Department of Political Science. Therefore, this course is designed as a basic course for the development of professional disciplines. In addition to requiring students to have a basic understanding of the development and content of political science, it also requires students to be able to Have a basic understanding of the research methods, topics, and relevance of political science to real life, and hope to stimulate students to have a basic interest in political science. The topics taught generally include the basic concepts of political science, research approaches, ideology, comparison of political systems, political attitudes, political participation, political communication, political systems, government types... and other topics.

課程概述 Course Description

This course focuses on analyzing the challenges facing political science. It attempts to help learners gain an in-depth understanding of political affairs. On the one hand, we want to review important concepts accumulated over time. On the other hand, we try to illustrate the relevance of these concepts to the real world of the early 21st century. Furthermore, we attempt to elucidate political structures and operational processes from an empirical perspective. These include personal political beliefs and actions, as well as changing situations in groups and countries.

參考書目 Reference Books

Political Science: An Introduction (13th). ed by M. Roskin.
political science: an Introduction (13 days later). Ed etiology M. RO skin.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance and quiz scores
midterm exam
final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[SS209]
授課教師 Teacher:沈有忠
修課班級 Class:政治系國關組1
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 65 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 65 人。

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