二、主要內容 :
因此,本課程主要分為兩個部分進行,前者由陳建仁老師負責政治理論與地方治理,後者則林子立老師負責國際關係與比較政府的部分。修課的博士生將分為於前後兩個部分各導讀兩篇以上的論文,其來源為三年內出版的SSCI與TSSCI。一方面,修課學生可以針對其研究方向選擇教材;另一方面則是將導讀的論文限制於最新發表的期刊。與此同時,修課的博士生仍須同時進行上述的課程目標。It provides a broad introduction to the main fields and research in political science. In addition to criticizing the current political theory, it also introduces various current research methods and new research and development directions. In addition to enriching students' research horizons, this course can also lay the foundation for research. In addition to allowing students to understand the main trends of current research, it also serves as an indicator and guide for students' future research directions.
2. Main content:
The goal of this course is to provide doctoral students with a preliminary and advanced knowledge and understanding of the development of political science, so as to cultivate expertise in academic research and political science teaching. Therefore, in addition to providing a broad introduction to the current status of political science research, we also provide an in-depth discussion of future development and directions. The contents include: 1. Changes in political science paradigms; 2. Constitutional system and operation; 3. International relations and global localization; 4. Local governance and regional development, etc.
Therefore, this course is mainly divided into two parts. The former is taught by Mr. Chen Jianren, who is responsible for political theory and local governance, and the latter, by Mr. Lin Zili, is responsible for the part of international relations and comparative government. Doctoral students taking the course will be divided into two parts, each of which will read more than two papers, the sources of which are SSCI and TSSCI published within three years. On the one hand, students taking courses can choose teaching materials according to their research directions; on the other hand, the introductory papers are limited to the latest published journals. At the same time, doctoral students taking courses must still pursue the above-mentioned course objectives at the same time.
It provides a broad introduction to the main fields and research in political science. In addition to criticizing the current political theory, it also introduces various current research methods and new research and development directions. In addition to enriching students' research horizons, this course can also lay the foundation for research. In addition to allowing students to understand the main trends of current research, it also serves as an indicator and guide for students' future research directions.
1. 何思因、吳玉山主編,邁入廿一世紀的政治學,2000,台北:中國政治學會。
Ho Szu-yin, Wu Yu-Shan, eds. 2000. Political science: the state of the discipline. Taipei: Chinese Association of Political Science.
2. 吳玉山、林繼文、冷則剛主編,政治學的回顧與前瞻,2013,台北:五南。Wu Yu-Shan, Lin Jih-wen, Leng Tse-kang, eds. 2013. Political science: the state of the discipline. Taipei: Wu-nan.
3. Goodin, E. Robert and Hans-Dieter Klingemann, A New Handbook of Political Science, New York: Oxford. 1998.
4. 其他教材隨堂另列
1. He Siyin and Wu Yushan, editors-in-chief, Political Science Entering the 21st Century, 2000, Taipei: Chinese Political Science Society.
Ho Szu-yin, Wu Yu-Shan, eds. 2000. Political science: the state of the discipline. Taipei: Chinese Association of Political Science.
2. Wu Yushan, Lin Jiwen, and Leng Zegang, editors-in-chief, Review and Prospect of Political Science, 2013, Taipei: Wunan. Wu Yu-Shan, Lin Jih-wen, Leng Tse-kang, eds. 2013. Political science: the state of the discipline. Taipei: Wu-nan.
3. Goodin, E. Robert and Hans-Dieter Klingemann, A New Handbook of Political Science, New York: Oxford. 1998.
4. Other teaching materials are listed separately with the class
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與課堂參與 class participation |
20 | 出席與討論 |
論文導讀論文導讀 Introduction to thesis |
40 | 心得報告四篇 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
40 | 期末考週提出 |