course information of 106 - 2 | 3845 Chinese : Readings on Literature and Writing(中文:文學閱讀與寫作)

Taught In English3845 - 中文:文學閱讀與寫作 Chinese : Readings on Literature and Writing

教育目標 Course Target

本課程為主題式教學,希望可使同學有效理解與系統化吸收,並引起閱讀相關文本的興趣。本學期有兩項主題「文學與博物」、「文學與社會」,前者緊扣「博物以致知」之概念,務求使各系學生應用所學,在與文學作品對話的過程中,培養警醒與思辨的能力,以完備其人格,並在廣博攝取多種媒體、藝術和生活方式的游獵過程中,培養眼界及擁有自我特色的世界觀,後者著重文學作品中反映出的社會性及思想性。本學期著重分組討論與報告,課程各階段都須以填寫計分學習單。This course is the theme teaching, hoping to enable students to effectively understand and systematically absorb and attract interest in reading related texts. There are two themes "Literature and Museum" and "Literature and Society" this semester. The ability to speculate, to complete its personality, and in the process of hunting in the hunting process of various media, art and lifestyle, cultivating the horizon and self -characteristic worldview, which focuses on the social and ideological nature reflected in literary works. This semester focuses on group discussions and reports. At all stages of the course, you must fill in the scoring learning form.

參考書目 Reference Books

G.賈西亞.馬奎斯(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)《異鄉客》,台北:時報,1994。
約翰.厄里(John Urry)《觀光客的凝視》,台北:書林,2007。
波特萊爾(Charles Baudelaire)《巴黎的憂鬱》,台北:志文,1973。
Lin Liqing's "Management", Taipei: Baoping Culture, 2017.
Chen Yingzhen "Mountain Road", Taipei: Hong Fan, 2001.
Zhang Yaosheng "Slim", Taipei: Star, 2016.
G. Jacia. Gabriel Garcia Marquez "Foreigners", Taipei: Times, 1994.
Han Lianglu's "Lianglu Family", Taipei: Big Block, 2014.
He Jingyao's "Harbor of the Magic: Dream of Dreams of Tujiao Cave", Taipei: Nine Songs, 2014.
Jin Yong's "Heroes of the Eagle", Taipei: Yuanliu, 1996.
John. John Urry "The Conduct of Tourism", Taipei: Shulin, 2007.
Charles Baudlaire "The Melancholy of Paris", Taipei: Zhiwen, 1973.
Shu Guizhi "Ideal afternoon", Taipei: Yuanliu, 2008.
Self -edited textbooks.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
分組活動與出席狀況 分組活動與出席狀況
Group activities and attendance conditions
40 三次點名未到者,本項以0分計算
Mid -term report
Final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[H306]
授課教師 Teacher:黃詣庭
修課班級 Class:文學院1
選課備註 Memo:加強寫作班,第一階段限日間部文學院一年級選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 31 人。

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