course information of 103 - 1 | 3524 Beginnings(大學引導)

Taught In English3524 - 大學引導 Beginnings

教育目標 Course Target

以「什麼是大學?」、「大學怎麼學?」、「大學怎麼活?」等主題,協助新鮮人轉銜與融入大學生活。課程教學以引導討論為主體,和實際的大學生活議題結合,提升新鮮人的反思能力,產生參與大學生活的實踐感。With themes such as "What is university?", "How to study in university?", "How to live in university?", we help freshmen transition to university and integrate into university life. The course teaching takes guided discussions as the main body and is combined with actual university life issues to enhance the reflective ability of freshmen and create a practical sense of participating in university life.

課程概述 Course Description

以「什麼是大學?」、「大學怎麼學?」、「大學怎麼活?」、「人際關係」,以及「多元學習與認識自我」等五大主題,協助新鮮人融入大學生活。 課程教學以引導討論為主體,輔以共同演講,並藉由alpha leader的協助,提升新鮮人的反思能力,進而產生參與大學生活的實踐感。
It helps freshmen integrate into university life with five major themes: "What is university?", "How to study in university?", "How to live in university?", "Interpersonal relationships", and "Diversified learning and self-understanding". The course teaching is mainly based on guided discussions, supplemented by joint lectures, and with the assistance of alpha leaders, it improves the reflective ability of freshmen, thereby creating a practical sense of participating in university life.

參考書目 Reference Books

《大學之理念》,金耀基 著,2003,時報文化



《大學教了沒∼哈佛校長提出的八門課》,Derek Bok 著,張善楠 譯,2008,天下文化

《如何閱讀一本書》,Mortimer J. Adler 著,郝明義、朱衣 譯,2009,台灣商務印書館

《與未來有約》,Sean Covey 著,錢基蓮 譯,2007,天下文化

《黃崑巖給青年學生的十封信》,黃崑巖 著,2006,聯經

《科學大師的求學、戀愛與理念》,張文亮 著,2007,校園書房出版社

《讓生命發聲》,Parker J. Palmer 著,吳佳綺 譯,2005,商周
《這一生你為何而來》,Michael Ray 著,李振昌 譯,2010,天下文化
《人生,要活對故事》,Jim Loehr 著,賴俊達 譯,2009,天下文化
"The Concept of University", written by Jin Yaoji, 2003, Times Culture
A Chinese classic that has been published for 30 years. This book is a must-read to understand the university.
"Introduction to University ~ Creating a Successful University Career", "Introduction to University" Curriculum Committee of Fuzhou University, 1998, Yuanliu
This is the first school in Taiwan to offer "Introduction to University", and it is also the first to propose a compass for university life in Taiwan. It has both theory and practice and is very suitable for the situation of Taiwanese students.

"Because of Love, This Department Is Found", written by Zhang Wenliang, 2012, Campus Study Press
Every department has a history; every history is a story; and the core of every story is love. Love for people, animals and plants, and even love and awe for the material world have laid the foundation of every academic department. You will find that knowledge is so warm.

"When a Frog Goes to Snail University", written by Zhang Wenliang, 2013, Campus Study Press

"Eight Courses Proposed by the President of Harvard?" written by Derek Bok, translated by Zhang Shannan, 2008, Tianxia Culture
Harvard again! It is not called a prestigious school for no reason. The author became the president of Harvard at the age of 41 and served as president for 20 years. Listen to the eight abilities he proposed that college students should cultivate.

"How to Read a Book", written by Mortimer J. Adler, translated by Hao Mingyi and Zhu Yi, 2009, Taiwan Commercial Press
The content of this book is just as the name suggests. Is it difficult to "read a book"? After reading this classic book about reading, your reading skills and vision will be greatly different. There is no need to read this book from beginning to end, each chapter has its own independence and reference value.

"A Date with the Future", written by Sean Covey, translated by Qian Jilian, 2007, Tianxia Culture
This is the only color book with rich pictures and text, and some people will like it at first sight. Talking to young people about how to lay the foundation for the future now may not be too ambitious, but it will move you.

"Ten Letters from Huang Kunyan to Young Students", written by Huang Kunyan, 2006, Lianjing
The author is my mentor. He looks like Grandpa KFC. Under his white hair, there is a charming wisdom. This book is very thin, but don't underestimate it. Although it is all in Chinese, it is not easy to understand.

"Study, Love and Ideas of Science Masters", written by Zhang Wenliang, 2007, Campus Study Press
We all grew up with scientific education. Many people want to be scientists when they grow up. However, this book reveals the inner world of scientists. More than a dozen scientific masters in the physical and chemistry textbooks have extremely profound ideas. Inner emotions.

"Let Life Speak", written by Parker J. Palmer, translated by Wu Jiaqi, 2005, Shang and Zhou
The following three books are all about understanding your inner voice. "Let Life Speak" is a masterpiece among masterpieces! Starting from the story, it helps you read others and listen to yourself at the same time.
"Why Are You Here in This Life", written by Michael Ray, translated by Li Zhenchang, 2010, Tianxia Culture
It is best not to ask this question about the title of the book randomly, but since you have asked it, you must have a satisfactory answer. This book originally evolved from an education and training course in the corporate world, but in fact you will find that no matter all walks of life, there are some basic big issues that cannot be escaped.
"Life, Live the Right Story", written by Jim Loehr, translated by Lai Junda, 2009, Tianxia Culture
Oh my God! A story is a story, is there a "right" or a "wrong"? After reading this book, you can't help but really think about it, is my own story "right"?

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
course attendance
Lu Siyi moment
midterm assignment
Final reading report and interview

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/9,10[H207]
授課教師 Teacher:李貽峻
修課班級 Class:共選修1
選課備註 Memo:教師自主加選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 35 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 35 人。

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