course information of 103 - 1 | 5888 Strategic Management(策略管理)

Taught In English5888 - 策略管理 Strategic Management

教育目標 Course Target

(1) 讓學生熟習各階層的策略如何形成、執行與控制三大相關領域的理論與實務知識。 (2) 透過個案作業的演練與互動式教學的進行,期望學生能成為一有效的策略規劃者與執行者。(1) To familiarize students with theoretical and practical knowledge in the three related fields of how strategies at various levels are formed, executed and controlled. (2) Through casework exercises and interactive teaching, students are expected to become effective strategic planners and executors.

課程概述 Course Description

1. 策略管理係指達成公司目標的整體性行動計畫。管理者運用策略性分析程序(strategic analysis process)-選擇目標,進行內部和外部分析,辨認競爭優勢,策劃競爭策略,與設計組織-發展公司的策略,進而最大化公司的整體價值。 2. 管理者選定充分兼顧市場機會與公司能力,進而最大化公司價值的目標和策略。公司面對不同的情境需要選定不同的目標和策略,所以,目標和策略隨著情境而權變。然而,策略分析程序和方法可以適應許多不同的情境,具有普遍性的特質。 3. 策略管理課程非常重視策略性思考(strategic thinking)及策略性推理(strategic reasoning)。 4. 綜合運用課堂講授、個案研討和論文討論、等教學方法,培育基於策略性分析程序的策略管理 能力。
1. Strategic management refers to the overall action plan to achieve company goals. Managers use the strategic analysis process to select goals, conduct internal and external analysis, identify competitive advantages, plan competitive strategies, and design organizational-development strategies for the company, thereby maximizing the overall value of the company. 2. Managers select goals and strategies that fully consider market opportunities and company capabilities to maximize company value. Companies face different situations and need to select different goals and strategies. Therefore, goals and strategies change with the situation. However, strategic analysis procedures and methods can be adapted to many different situations and have universal qualities. 3. Strategic management courses attach great importance to strategic thinking and strategic reasoning. 4. Comprehensively use teaching methods such as classroom lectures, case studies, and paper discussions to cultivate strategic management based on strategic analysis procedures ability.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Charles W. L. Hill & Gareth R. Jones(2013),Strategic Management Theory, 10th edition,Houghton Mifflin
2. Robert M. Grant(2010). Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 7th edition, Blackwell (Blackwell Publishing)
3. 策略管理(2010),戴國良編著,鼎茂圖書出版公司。

1. 企業策略與競爭分析,張保隆、陳瑋玲譯,滄海圖書。
2. 策略管理理論與實務,楊千著。
3. 企業策略,許士軍 等譯,培生集團。
4. MBA最新核心課程-工商管理(上,下),讀品文化。
5. 策略精論 湯明哲著,天下文化。
6. 執行力 Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan,李明譯,天下文化。
7. 策略管理新論 司徒達賢著 智勝圖書。
8. 策略九說-策略本質的思考 吳思華著 臉譜文化。
9. 競爭策略 波特著 天下文化。
10.競爭優勢(上,下) 波特著 天下文化。
11.4+2:成功方程式 尼汀•諾瑞亞著 天下文化。
12.國家競爭優勢(上,下) 波特著 天下文化。
13.競爭論 波特著 天下文化。
14.平衡計分卡 Robert S. Kaplan & David P. Norton著 臉譜文化。
15.競爭大未來 Gray Hamal著 智庫文化。
16.啟動革命 Gray Hamal著 天下文化。
17.企業策略-哈佛商業評論 普哈拉等著 天下文化。
18.公司治理 薩門 等著 天下文化。
19.策略巡禮 亨利明茲伯格 等著 商周出版。
20.創新者的解答 克雷頓.克里斯汀生著 天下文化。
21.創新的兩難 克雷頓.克里斯汀生著 商周出版。
23.藍海策略 金偉燦等著 天下文化。
24.科技創業聖經 夏恩著 台灣培生教育。
25.策略智典Tim Hindle著 貝塔語言。
26.如何做好創新管理 理察•盧克著 天下文化。
27.全球舞台大未來 大前研一著 培生集團。
28.動態競爭策略 George S. Day, David J. Reibstein,李璞良 譯,商周出版

1. 工商時報 經營知識版及商業週刊
2. 國內各大學所出版之管理評論(有關策略管理部分之文章)
3. EMBA世界經理文摘 每期國外期刊雜誌文章之翻譯,各期雜誌內容可查閱EMBA網站:www.emba.com.tw。
5. Harvard Business Review。
1. Charles W. L. Hill & Gareth R. Jones(2013), Strategic Management Theory, 10th edition, Houghton Mifflin
2. Robert M. Grant(2010). Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 7th edition, Blackwell (Blackwell Publishing)
3. Strategic Management (2010), edited by Dai Guoliang, Dingmao Books Publishing Company.

Reference books:
1. Corporate Strategy and Competition Analysis, translated by Zhang Baolong and Chen Weiling, Canghai Books.
2. Strategic Management Theory and Practice, by Yang Qian.
3. Corporate Strategy, translated by Xu Shijun et al., Pearson Group.
4. MBA's latest core courses - Business Administration (Part 1, Part 2), Reading Culture.
5. Essence of Strategy, written by Tang Mingzhe, World Culture.
6. Execution Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan, translated by Li Ming, Tianxia Culture.
7. New Theory of Strategic Management, written by Situ Daxian, Zhisheng Books.
8. Nine Strategies - Thoughts on the Nature of Strategy, written by Wu Sihua, Facebook Culture.
9. Competitive Strategy Porter’s World Culture.
10. Competitive advantage (top, bottom) Porter’s World Culture.
11.4+2: The Formula for Success by Nitin Nooriya World Culture.
12. National Competitive Advantage (Part 1, Part 2) Porter’s World Culture.
13. Theory of Competition, Porter’s World Culture.
14. Balanced Scorecard by Robert S. Kaplan & David P. Norton Facebook Culture.
15. Competing for the Big Future by Gray Hamal Think Tank Culture.
16. Start a Revolution by Gray Hamal Tianxia Culture.
17. Corporate Strategy-Harvard Business Review Pujara Waiting World Culture.
18.Corporate Governance Samen Waiting World Culture.
19. Strategy Tour Henry Mintzberg is waiting to be published by Shang Zhou.
20. The Innovator’s Answer Clayton. Christine is born with world culture.
21. The Dilemma of Innovation Clayton. Written by Christine and published by Shangzhou.
22. Annual Strategic Planning and Budget Implementation Guidelines, edited by Lai Shouming, Gaydon Editorial Board
23. Blue Ocean Strategy Jin Weican is waiting for Tianxia Culture.
24. Technology Entrepreneurship Bible, written by Xia En, Pearson Education, Taiwan.
25. Strategy Book Tim Hindle, Beta Language.
26. How to do a good job in innovation management, Richard Luke’s World Culture.
27. The Big Future on the Global Stage, by Kenichi Ohmae, Pearson.
28. Dynamic Competitive Strategy George S. Day, David J. Reibstein, translated by Li Puliang, Shangzhou Publishing House

Reference papers, journals, newspapers and magazines:
1. Business Times Business Knowledge Edition and Business Weekly
2. Management reviews published by domestic universities (articles related to strategic management)
3. EMBA World Manager Digest is the translation of articles in each issue of foreign journals and magazines. The content of each issue of the magazine can be found on the EMBA website: www.emba.com.tw.
5. Harvard Business Review.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm exam
Final report and reading experience report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/6,7,8[M612]
授課教師 Teacher:李明煌
修課班級 Class:國貿碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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