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財務金融學系 (共48門)
Department of Finance : 48 courses

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必修-1491 Economics / 經濟學 (財金系1A,授課教師:陳昭君,四/6,7,8[M233])
必修-1492 Accounting / 會計學 (財金系1A,授課教師:張哲嘉,四/9[M201] 三/6,7,8[M220])
必修-1493 Insurance / 保險學 (財金系1A,授課教師:楊尚穎,二/6,7[M221] 三/4[M121])
必修-1494 Economics / 經濟學 (財金系1B,授課教師:陳昭君,三/6,7,8[M221])
必修-1495 Accounting / 會計學 (財金系1B,授課教師:張哲嘉,四/9[M201] 四/6,7,8[M109])
必修-1496 Insurance / 保險學 (財金系1B,授課教師:楊尚穎,二/8,9[M221] 三/3[M121])
必修-1497 [Taught in English] Statistics / 統計學 (財金系2A,授課教師:傅郁芬,二/1,2,3,4[M024])
必修-1498 [Taught in English] Macroeconomics / 總體經濟學 (財金系2A,授課教師:黃琛瑞,三/7,8,9[M232])
必修-1499 [Taught in English] Statistics / 統計學 (財金系2B,授課教師:傅郁芬,二/5,6,7,8[M024])
必修-1500 [Taught in English] Macroeconomics / 總體經濟學 (財金系2B,授課教師:黃琛瑞,二/9,四/8,9[M120])
必修-1501 Insurance / 保險學 (財金系2B,授課教師:楊尚穎,三/7,8,9[M222])
必修-1502 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance / 公司理財 (財金系2,授課教師:劉名育,四/2,3,4[M155])
必修-1503 [Taught in English] Fundamentals of Corporate Finance / 公司理財 (財金系2,授課教師:傅郁芬,四/5,6,7[M201])
必修-1505 [Taught in English] Financial Derivatives / 衍生性金融商品 (財金系2,授課教師:郭一棟,四/2,3,4[M132])
必修-1506 Financial Derivatives / 衍生性金融商品 (財金系2,授課教師:郭一棟,一/5,6,7,8[M155])
必修-1507 Analysis of Financial Statements / 財務報表分析 (財金系3A,授課教師:蕭慧玲,一/B,7,8,9[M143])
必修-1508 Financial Quantitative Methods / 財務計量方法 (財金系3A,授課教師:王凱立/葉宗穎,二/6,7,8[M243])
必修-1509 Analysis of Financial Statements / 財務報表分析 (財金系3B,授課教師:蕭慧玲,二/B,7,8,9[M132])
必選-1510 Advanced Leadership Communications / Advanced Leadership Communications (財金系1,授課教師:黃琛瑞,五/2,3,4[M146])
選修-1511 Business News & Special Topics in Finance / 財經書報導讀 (財金系1-4,授課教師:王凱立,三/9[M201])
選修-1512 Civil Law / 民法概要 (財金系1-4,授課教師:李智威,一/6,7,8[M153])
選修-1513 Business Japanese (II) / 商用日文II (管院2-4(財金系開),授課教師:曾耀鋒,五/1,2[M016])
選修-1514 Securities Law / 證券交易法 (財金系2-4,授課教師:謝蕙如,四/5,6,7[M219])
選修-1515 Financial Marketing / 金融行銷 (財金系2-4,授課教師:吳立偉/黃志宜,五/5,6,7[M155])
選修-1517 Real Estate Management / 不動產管理 (財金系3,4,授課教師:洪裕勝,三/5,6,7[M116])
選修-1518 M-commence & Digital Economy / 行動商務與數位經濟 (財金系2-4,授課教師:謝東昇,五/3,4,B[M231])
選修-1519 Fintech Innovation and Blockchain Application / 金融科技創新與區塊鏈應用 (財金系3,4,授課教師:黃尹姿,三/6,7,8[M119])
選修-1520 Contemporary Business and Finance / 當代商業與金融 (共選修1-4(財金系開),授課教師:莊凱旭,二/2,3,4[M222])
選修-1521 Mergers and Acquisitions / 企業購併與重組 (財金系3,4,授課教師:莊凱旭,一/5,6,7[M123])
選修-1522 International Service and Leadership Learning / 國際服務與領導學習 (財金系2-4,授課教師:黃琛瑞,四/B[M108])
選修-1523 English and Culture / 英文與國際文化 (財金系2-4,授課教師:傅郁芬,三/B,五/B[M109])
選修-1524 Globalization and the Organizational Change / 全方位理財 (共選修4(財金系開),授課教師:邱正弘,四/10,11,12[M201])
必修-1525 [Taught in English] Accounting / Accounting (財金系1,授課教師:林修葳/傅郁芬,四/1,2,3,4[M123])
選修-1526 Internship Program (I) / 財金企業實習〈一〉 (財金系4,授課教師:郭一棟,)
選修-1527 Internship Program (II) / 財金企業實習〈二〉 (財金系4,授課教師:郭一棟,)
選修-1528 Internship Program (III) / 財金企業實習〈三〉 (財金系4,授課教師:郭一棟,)
必修-6011 Corporate Finance ( II ) / 財務理論(二) (財金碩1,2,授課教師:蕭慧玲,五/4,8,9[M332])
必修-6012 [Taught in English] Futures and Options Markets / 期貨與選擇權 (財金碩1,2,授課教師:郭一棟,三/2,3,4[M332])
必修-6013 Investment Analysis and Management / 投資分析與管理 (財金碩1,2,授課教師:張永和,二/2,3,4[M332])
必選-6014 Seminar on Finance (II) / 財務專題研討(二) (財金碩1,2,授課教師:張哲嘉,五/5,6,7[M243])
必修-6015 Thesis / 碩士論文 (財金碩2-4,授課教師:財金教師,)
必修-6016 Master’s Thesis / 碩士論文 (財金碩1,授課教師:財金教師,)
選修-6017 Special Topics on Private Equity and Venture Capital / 私募與創投專題 (財金碩1,2,授課教師:莊凱旭,二/5,6,7[M332])
選修-6019 Corporate Fraud / 企業舞弊 (財金系3,4,碩1,2,授課教師:張哲嘉,四/3,4[M107])
選修-6020 Advanced Communication for Business Professionals / Advanced Communications for Business Professionals (財金碩1,2,授課教師:黃琛瑞/俞一唐,一/8[M333])
選修-6021 Intellectual Property In Finance / 智慧財產權與金融 (財金系3,4,碩1,2,授課教師:王德文,四/6,7,8[M230])
選修-6022 Global Trend for ESG Development and the Practices of Corporate Sustainability Transformation / 全球ESG發展趨勢與企業永續轉型實務 (財金系3,4,碩1,2,授課教師:蕭慧玲/徐建業,二/10,11,12)
選修-6023 Global Trend for ESG Development and the Practices of Corporate Sustainability Transformation / 全球ESG發展趨勢與企業永續轉型實務 (財金系3,4,碩1,2,授課教師:蕭慧玲/徐建業,二/10,11[M145])