course information of 106 - 2 | 7175 Research Papers and Proposals Writing(論文寫作)

Taught In English7175 - 論文寫作 Research Papers and Proposals Writing

教育目標 Course Target

本課程以社會科學研究方法為基礎,融合景觀專業領域需求,強調學術倫理,帶領學生學習如何撰寫碩士論文,以研究論文為核心,並擴及規劃報告、與設計報告之撰寫。 課程內涵 (Course Contents) 1. 學術倫理的精神、內涵、規範,以及違反學術倫理的相關處理辦法。 2. 學術論文、規劃/設計報告寫作格式 (例如:APA、國內外相關領域期刊的要求格式)。 3. 學術論文、規劃/設計報告的寫作架構、內容、寫作技巧。 4. 延續研究方法課程,練習論文計畫書基本架構與內容草稿之撰寫。 This course is based on social science research methods, integrates the needs of landscape professional fields, emphasizes academic ethics, and leads students to learn how to write a essay, takes research papers as the core, and expands the writing of planning reports, and design reports. Course Contents 1. The spirit, connotation, rules of academic ethics, and related treatment methods that violate academic ethics. 2. Academic writing, planning/design report writing format (for example: APA, required format for domestic and foreign related journals). 3. Write structure, content, and writing skills of academic papers, planning/design reports. 4. Continue the research method course and practice writing of basic structures and content drafts of thesis plan.

課程概述 Course Description

The course is designed for students who seek assistance in preparing a plan or proposal for a scholarly paper writing.
the course is designed for students WHO seek assistance in preparing AP blue or proposal for academic paper writing.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 畢恆達,(2010)。教授為什麼沒告訴我。新北市:小畢空間。
2. 張慶勳,(2010)。論文寫作手冊(增訂四版),台北:心理。
3. 顏志龍,(2015)。傻瓜也會寫論文。台北市:五南。
4. 造園景觀學報 (journal articles)
5. 國內外景觀領域碩、博士論文
6. 教師指定其他閱讀資料。

1. Swales, J. M. and Feak, C. B. (2012) Academic Writing for Graduate Students. Third edition. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press (415 pages).
2. Day, R. and Castel, B. (2012) How to write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Seventh Edition. Cambridge University Press (293 pages).
3. Booth, W. et. al.,T (2008) The Craft of Research. Chicago: Chicago University Press (pages 313).
4. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001) Fifth Edition. Washington: APA (436 pages)
5. Hall, G. M, ed. (2008) How to Write a Paper. Fourth Edition. Malden, MA: Blackwell. (155 pages)
6. Two or three published formal academic articles from your field. One of the articles should include an abstract subheading, figures, tables and references. Bring your articles to class so that we can gain an understanding of the writing conventions in your field

1. Digest, (2010). Why didn't the professor tell me. New Taipei City: Small space.
2. Zhang Qingzhao, (2010). Writing handwritten (added four editions), Taipei: Psychology.
3. Yu Zhilong, (2015). Fools will write articles too. Taipei City: Wunan.
4. Journal articles (journal articles)
5. Domestic and Doctoral Discussions in China and Outdoor Landscape Views
6. The teacher specifies other reading materials.

1. Swales, J. M. and Feak, C. B. (2012) Academic Writing for Graduate Students. Third edition. Ann Arbor: University of
Michigan Press (415 pages).
2. Day, R. and Castel, B. (2012) How to write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Seventh Edition. Cambridge University Press (293 pages).
3. Booth, W. et. al.,T (2008) The Craft of Research. Chicago: Chicago University Press (pages 313).
4. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001) Fifth Edition. Washington: APA (436 pages)
5. Hall, G. M, ed. (2008) How to Write a Paper. Fourth Edition. Malden, MA: Blackwell. (155 pages)
6. Two or three published formal academic articles from your field. One of the articles should include an abstract subheading, figures, tables and references. Bring your articles to class so that we can gain an understanding of the writing conventions in your field

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Read the abstract
15 依據上課出席狀況、導讀及參與課程討論程度評分。
Midterm Report
35 依進度繳交word檔至教學平台,並於課堂中簡報分享討論。
Final report
50 依進度繳交word檔與ppt檔至教學平台,並於課堂中簡報分享討論。

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/5,6[景觀系館]
授課教師 Teacher:原友蘭
修課班級 Class:景觀碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:本系MSLA學生必選修
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 8 人。

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