「歷史論文寫作」課程,主要目的是在培養及訓練學生寫作論文的能力。透過本課程指引有心邁往學術研究的學生,如何自「選題」開始,循序漸進地熟悉歷史學門的論文寫作方式,培養並訓練其基本的學術研究能力。寫作「論文」,是專業的學術訓練所必備的條件之一,舉凡研讀有所心得、發現,皆須以論文加以呈現;而學術論文,自有其不可踰越的規格及循序而進的階段,非長期涵泳其間,不可能得心應手。近幾年來,研究所考試競爭愈形激烈,多數學生,儘管有志於學術研究,且也在各個不同的課程中,「學習」撰寫論文;然而,從論文「選題」、參考資料的蒐尋運用、論文規格的熟稔、章法結構的安排到推理論述,均有懵然不懂、舛誤百出的弊病,亟需有一專門課程,加以指引。The main purpose of the "Historical Literature Writing" course is to cultivate and train students' ability to write essays. Through this course, students who are interested in academic research can learn how to become familiar with the writing methods of the history door step by step, cultivate and train their basic academic research abilities starting from the "choice topic". Writing "paper" is one of the necessary conditions for professional academic training. Any experience and discovery in your study must be presented in papers; while academic papers have their own insurmountable specifications and progressive stages. Without long-term contemplation, it is impossible to handle them. In recent years, the competition among the institute's examinations has become increasingly fierce. Most students, despite their aspirations to academic research and have also written essays in different courses. However, from the "choice" of the essay, the use of reference materials, the familiarity of the essay specifications, the arrangement of the composition and the reasoning, all have the disadvantages of being ignorant and misunderstood. There is an urgent need for a special course to guide.
1. 王吉亮、鄭惠卿,《論文寫作學》,北京:經濟科學,1993。
2. 王貳瑞,《學術論文寫作》,台北:東華,2005。
3. 王錦堂編,《大學學術研究與寫作》,台北 : 東華,2000。
4. 吳宜澄、盧姵綺,《論文寫作格式手冊》,台北:桂冠,2004。
5. 宋晞,《史學方法與論文寫作》,台北:文化大學出版社,1996年。
6. 李弘祺等著,《史學與史學方法論集》,台北:食貨出版社,1980。
7. 李瑞麟編著,《突破研究與寫作的困境》,台北:茂榮,1996。
8. 杜維運,《史學方法論》(增訂新版),台北:三民書局,2003。
9. 杜維運、黃俊傑主編,《史學方法論文選集》,台北:華世出版社,1979。
10. 林慶彰,《學術論文寫作指引-文科適用》,台北:萬卷樓,1998。
11. 段家鋒、孫正豐、張世賢主編,《論文寫作研究》,台北 : 三民,1987。
12. 康樂、彭明輝主編,《史學方法與歷史解釋》,北京:中國大百科全書出版社,2005。
13. 張保隆、謝寶煖,《學術論文寫作:APA規範》,台北:華泰,2006。
14. 曹俊漢,《研究報告寫作手冊》,台北:聯經,1996年。
15. 畢恆達,《教授為什麼沒告訴我-論文寫作的枕邊書》,台北:學富,2005。
16. 畢恆達著,《教授為什麼沒告訴我》,台北,學富文化事業公司,2005。
17. 許冠三,《大(活)史學答問》,台北:桂冠出版社,1996。
18. 郭崑謨、林泉源編著,《論文及報告寫作概要》,台北:五南,1986。
19. 陳善捷編譯,《圖書館資源: 如何研究與撰寫論文》,台北:華泰,1993。
20. 葛昆元編,《怎樣寫書評》,上海:同濟大學出版社,1988。
21. 簡後聰、林君成,《歷史編纂法》,台北:五南圖書出版公司,1993。
22. 羅敬之,《文學論文寫作講義》,台北:里仁,2001。
23. 嚴耕望著,《治史答問》,台北,台灣商務印書館,2008。
24. 嚴耕望著,《治史經驗談》,台北,台灣商務印書館,2008。
25. Gibaldi, Joseph.《MLA論文寫作手冊》,台北:書林,2002。
26. Ralph Berry.,李美馨譯,《研究論文寫作指導》,台北:伯文化,2002年。
27. Stanford, Michael著,劉世安譯,《歷史研究導論》,台北:麥田出版社,2001。
28. Tuchman, Barbara W.著,梅寅生譯,《從史著論史學》,台北:九大文化,1990。
29. Turabian,Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers,Themes and Dissertations.中譯本見,蔡美華譯,《芝加哥大學寫作手冊》,台北:五南圖書公司,2001。
1. Wang Jiliang and Zheng Huiqing, "Study on Literature", Beijing: Economic Science, 1993.
2. Wang Fengrui, "Academic Writings", Taipei: East China, 2005.
3. Editor of Wang Fengtang, "University Research and Writing", Taipei: Donghua, 2000.
4. Wu Yicheng and Lu Wang, "Writing Format Manual", Taipei: Guiguan, 2004.
5. Song Xi, "Historical Methods and Discussions", Taipei: University of Culture Press, 1996.
6. Li Hongqi et al., "Collected discussions on historical and historical methods", Taipei: Food Press, 1980.
7. Li Ruilin, "Breakthrough in Research and Writing Dilemma", Taipei: Mao Rong, 1996.
8. Du Weihao, "Analysis of Historical Methods" (Added New Edition), Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2003.
9. Edited by Du Weihao and Huang Junjie, "Selected Collection of Historical Methods", Taipei: Huashi Publishing House, 1979.
10. Lin Qingzhang, "Guidelines for the Writing of Academic Discussions-Applicable Liberal Arts", Taipei: Wanjuan Building, 1998.
11. Edited by Duan Jiajing, Sun Zhengfeng, and Zhang Shiqian, "Research on the Writing of the Literature", Taipei: Sanmin, 1987.
12. Editorial by Kang Le and Peng Minghui, "An Explanation of Historical Methods and History", Beijing: China Encyclopedia Press, 2005.
13. Zhang Baolong and Xie Baoying, "Academic Writings: APA Regulations", Taipei: Huatai, 2006.
14. Cao Junhan, "Research Report Writing Manual", Taipei: Union, 1996.
15. Diploma, "Why did the professor not tell me - Pillow Book for Literature Writing", Taipei: Learning Rich, 2005.
16. By graduating, "Why did the professor not tell me?", Taipei, Xuefu Culture Business Company, 2005.
17. Xu Guansan, "Answer of the Great (Life) History", Taipei: Guiguan Publishing House, 1996.
18. Written by Guo Kun and Lin Quanyuan, "A Summary of the Writings and Reports", Taipei: Wunan, 1986.
19. Edited by Chen Shanjie, "Bookbook Resources: How to Research and Write a Writing Article", Taipei: Huatai, 1993.
20. Editor Ge Kunyuan, "How to Write a Book Review", Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 1988.
21. Summary of the Year of the Year, Lin Juncheng, "History Compilation Method", Taipei: Wunan Book Publishing Company, 1993.
22. Luo Jingzhi, "Literature and Literature Writings", Taipei: Li Ren, 2001.
23. Stern Gengwang, "Answer in History", Taipei, Taiwan Commercial Press, 2008.
24. Stern Gengwang, "Experience and Discussion on History", Taipei, Taiwan Commercial Printing Library, 2008.
25. Gibaldi, Joseph. "MLA Writing Manual", Taipei: Shu Lin, 2002.
26. Ralph Berry., translated by Li Meixin, "Guidelines for Research and Presentation", Taipei: Bo Culture, 2002.
27. Stanford, Michael, Liu Shi'an, "Advice of Historical Research", Taipei: Maitian Publishing House, 2001.
28. Tuchman, Barbara W., translated by Mei Yinsheng, "A Study of History from Historical Works", Taipei: Nine Cultures, 1990.
29. Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Themes and Dissertations. Chinese translation, Crazy Meihua, "University of Chicago Writing Manual", Taipei: Wunan Book Company, 2001.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
40 | 每週上課參與討論的表現(依校務規定曠課六次達期末扣考標準) |
學期報告學期報告 Study period report |
60 | 提交分組報告一份(作業請按課堂規定時間按時繳交,逾期不予計分) |