本課程著重在學術寫作的基本架構、連貫性與邏輯性。旨在使學生能夠 1) 熟悉學術寫作特性與論文基本架構、 2) 增進中文語法知識,加強學術中文寫作能力,
與3) 增進分析議論寫作能力This course focuses on the basic architecture, coherence and logic of academic writing. The aim is to enable students to be familiar with academic writing characteristics and basic architecture of thesis, 2) to enhance Chinese grammatical knowledge and strengthen academic Chinese writing ability.
3) Improve analysis and discussion writing ability
1. 學術研究(工程類與管理類)的方法,
2. 熟悉論文格式與寫作技巧。
Let graduate students understand how to conduct engineering and management methods, and how to write research processes and achievements into academic papers. Mainly let the master's classmates who practice this course, learn
1. The method of academic research (engineering and management),
2. Familiar with the format and writing skills of thesis.
In addition, students also allow students to learn different research tools, and at the same time, the writing ability of the master's degree in the training research institute.
鈕文英 (2015) 研究方法與論文寫作 (第二版)。雙葉書廊
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時考試 & 作業平時考試 & 作業 Usually exam & homework |
20 | 隨堂考、平時作業 |
平時表現平時表現 Usual performance |
15 | 出席、上課討論、隨堂報告 |
期中報告期中報告 Mid -term report |
30 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
35 |