course information of 106 - 2 | 3896 Chinese:Appreciation and Practice of Literature(中文:文學欣賞與實用)

Taught In English3896 - 中文:文學欣賞與實用 Chinese:Appreciation and Practice of Literature

教育目標 Course Target

第一階段:中文典籍中的政治與社會環境、說明中文典籍中的政治與社會環境。探討中國典籍中所反映的社會與政治現象,並析述這些現象背後 的成因及其蘊含的意義。討論文人在政治、社會中所扮演的角色和他們所發揮的作用,藉此說明政治、社會和個人的關係。 第二階段:中文典籍中的歷史與人文關懷。了解中國典籍中所呈現的歷史觀照與文化關懷,並了解文人如看待古往今來的人、事、物及自己的歷 史定位。 第三階段:中文典籍中對宇宙與生命價值的追尋。了解中國古代典籍中之宇宙觀及生命觀,並了解文人對於這些問題的思考,以及其如何呈現於 作品之中?而在此中呈現了何種生命價值及其追尋的過程?週別 教學進度 一 政治局勢與仕隱抉擇。 二 歸隱文人的類型。 三 出仕文人的類型。 四 反思與討論。 五 中國古代歷史觀的形成及其特質。 六 史書與史論。 七 詩史、詠史、懷古作品解析。 八 延伸活動:討論歷史與文學的關係。 九 期中考 十 中國古代的人性論及宇宙觀。 十一 先秦時期的人性論。 十二 先秦時期的宇宙觀。 十三 反思與討論:人性之善惡及宇宙之性質。 十四 人性論及宇宙觀對中國文人的影響。 十五 永恆的追尋與無可必免的關懷。 十六 從人與天地的存有,思考個體的生命價值及意義。 十七 從人與天地的存有,思考社會、政治的理想型態。 十八 期末考。The first stage: the political and social environment in Chinese classics, and explain the political and social environment in Chinese classics. Explore the social and political phenomena reflected in Chinese classics and analyze the behind these phenomena The cause and the meaning of the meaning of the sacred. Discuss the role played by literati in politics and society and the role they have played, thereby explaining the relationship between politics, society and individuals. The second stage: historical and humanities in Chinese classics. Understand the historical view and cultural concerns presented in Chinese classics, and understand the people, things, things and their own experiences from ancient times to the present History positioning. The third stage: The pursuit of the value of the universe and life in Chinese classics. Understand the universe and life view in ancient Chinese classics, and understand the thoughts of literati on these issues and how they appear in Among the works? And what kind of life value and the process of pursuing it is presented here? Weekly Teaching Progress 1. The political bureau and officialdom have a choice. 2. Learn the type of literati. 3. Types of literati who became a official. 4. Reflection and discussion. 5. The formation and characteristics of ancient Chinese historical view. 6. Historical books and historical discussions. 7. Analysis of poetry history, poetry history, and ancient works. 8. Extended Activities: Discuss the relationship between history and literature. 9 Midterm exam 10 The human nature theory and cosmic view in ancient China. 11 Human nature discussion in the pre-Qin period. Twelve The universe view of the pre-Qin period. Thirteen Reflection and Discussion: The goodness of human nature and the nature of the universe. Fourteen The influence of human nature and the universe on Chinese literati. Fifteen: Eternal pursuit and unavoidable concern. Sixteen: From the existence of man and the world, think about the value and meaning of a person’s life. 17: Think about the ideal form of society and politics from the existence of man and heaven and earth. 18 Final exam.

參考書目 Reference Books

《禮記》、《唐詩三百首》《紅樓夢》、《論語》、《孟子》、《莊子》、《史記》、《漢書》、《陶淵明集》、《杜工部集》、《古文觀止》。孫隆基著:《中國文化的深層結構》 台北:花千樹出版社 2005年10月。
"Travel Notes", "Three Hundred Tang Poems", "Red House Dream", "Mencius", "Brave Me", "Historical Notes", "Han Book", "Tao Jingming Collection", "Du Gongbu Collection", and "Ancient Text Views". Written by Sun Longji: "The Deep-Level Structure of Chinese Culture" Taipei: Hua Qianshu Publishing House October 2005.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance rate
Midterm exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/8,9[H309]
授課教師 Teacher:賴欣陽
修課班級 Class:社科學院、法律學院1
選課備註 Memo:第一階段限日間部社科學院、法律學院一年級選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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