course information of 106 - 2 | 3875 Chinese:Appreciation and Practice of Literature(中文:文學欣賞與實用)

Taught In English3875 - 中文:文學欣賞與實用 Chinese:Appreciation and Practice of Literature

教育目標 Course Target

※課程目標 (Course Objectives) 1.因應:大一中文教學實用化、應用化的趨勢 2培育:專業知識生活化的習性 3練習:寫將知識融入生活的應用型文字,例如:求職履歷、讀書報告、生活札記等書寫能力。4.首要需培育學生思辨力。(A) 1.閱讀 質疑 觀察 批判等建立漢語文應用型學習鍊 2.經由小組討論、輪值主持討論培育成責任感、溝通、協調、編寫討論題,推派代表發言等等的團隊溝通與協調等話語能力培育。 3.觀察與紀錄的文字書寫 (B)進行 1.為了調整大一學生,於中學時期以考試作為學習思維所建立的慣性,本課程進行時特採取分組輪值主持,期以建立學生的知識自主意識。 2.分組討論以協調出共同意見,然後逐組上台發表所整合之意見,同時提繳發言條,如此進行期以逐漸培養學生:團隊、語言、文字表述等的意識。 3.如此經由:逐週輪值主持工作:講述所選篇章大綱,編寫題目供同學選題討論約25分鐘之後,分組發表、對話、整合作結等,漸次培養學生的問題意識,思辨問題過程的團隊意識等。 4.期以達到高等教育的語文教學目標※Course Objectives 1. Reason: The trend of practical and application in freshman Chinese teaching 2 Cultivation: the life-oriented nature of professional knowledge 3 Practice: Write application-oriented words that integrate knowledge into life, such as: study and study, book reviews, life notes and other book writing skills. 4. The first thing is to cultivate students' thinking and discernment. (A) 1. Reading, doubt, observation, criticism, etc. to establish Han Chinese application-oriented learning 2. The team discussion and value-sponsored discussion will be cultivated through group discussions, communication, coordination, editing and speech skills such as team communication and coordination, etc. 3. Observe and record textbooks (B) Proceed 1. In order to adjust the habits established by the first-year students in middle school, this course is specially organized to host the students' knowledge and independent awareness during the middle school period. 2. Sub-group discussions are made to express common opinions, and then they are put on stage to express their integrated opinions, and at the same time to express their words. This is a period of time to gradually cultivate students' ideas: team, language, and textual expression. 3. This is based on: weekly wheel-to-face hosting: talk about the selected chapters, edit questions for students to discuss the topics for about 25 minutes, and then organize the publication, dialogue, and cooperation conclusions, and cultivate students' problem awareness, team awareness of thinking about the problem process, etc. 4. To achieve the goal of language and teaching in higher education

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Teachers compiled textbooks and selected essays from famous artists in combination with literature and publishing
2. Combining social news clips related to reading chapters

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course attendance, participation and discussion, work transfer, etc.
30 不能只是出席而未參加討論時段
A work on the performance of teaching results in the interim
30 代替期中考試
One final work copy of the full-term teaching results

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/6,7[M133]
授課教師 Teacher:阮桃園
修課班級 Class:管理學院1
選課備註 Memo:第一階段限日間部管理學院一年級選
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 59 人。

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