1. 讓學生了解學術論文寫作的架構與內容。
2. 讓學生了解學術論文寫作的格式。
3. 讓學生了解學術倫理,以及違反學術倫理的相關處理辦法。
4. 協助學生練習論文計畫書基本架構與內容草稿之撰寫。1. Let students understand the structure and content of academic writing.
2. Let students understand the format of academic writing.
3. Let students understand academic ethics and related treatment methods that violate academic ethics.
4. Assist students in the writing of basic structures and draft contents of essays.
1. 張慶勳,(2010),論文寫作手冊(增訂四版),台北:心理。
2. 造園景觀學報 (journal articles)
3. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning (journal articles)
4. Landscape Research(journal articles)
5. 國內外景觀領域碩、博士論文
6. 教師指定其他閱讀資料。
1. Zhang Qingzhao, (2010), Writing handwriting (added four editions), Taipei: Psychology.
2. Journal articles (journal articles)
3. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning (journal articles)
4. Landscape Research(journal articles)
5. Domestic and Doctoral Discussions in China and Outdoor Landscape Views
6. The teacher specifies other reading materials.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
五個學習成果驗收五個學習成果驗收 Five learning results experience |
50 | 依進度繳交word檔至教學平台,並於課堂中分享討論。 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 | 依進度繳交word檔與ppt檔至教學平台,並於課堂中分享討論。 |
上課參與上課參與 Participate in class |
20 | 依據上課出席狀況、參與課程討論程度評分。 |