course information of 103 - 1 | 7051 Writing Techniques and Thesis Preparation(論文寫作)

Taught In English7051 - 論文寫作 Writing Techniques and Thesis Preparation

教育目標 Course Target

1.使研究生熟悉專業論文寫作之格式、技巧。 2.使學生瞭解如何在SCI,EI,SSCI與國內期刊上投稿。 3.如何發掘創新題材、研究主題的選定、投稿及審稿的經驗集大成。 4.本課程採用互動式的教學,與學生討論、發表,激發學生創新思考及培養完整的邏輯思考能力,以提升學術研究水準。 5.經由實際寫作與閱讀練習,為畢業論文之寫作奠定基礎。1. Make graduate students familiar with the format and techniques of professional paper writing. 2. To enable students to understand how to submit articles in SCI, EI, SSCI and domestic journals. 3. How to discover innovative themes, the collection of experience in selecting research topics, submitting and reviewing manuscripts. 4. This course uses interactive teaching to discuss and publish with students to stimulate students' innovative thinking and develop complete logical thinking skills to improve academic research standards. 5. Through practical writing and reading exercises, lay the foundation for writing the graduation thesis.

課程概述 Course Description

使研究生熟悉論文寫作之格式、技巧。使學生瞭解如何在SCI, EI, SSCI上投稿。經由實際寫作與閱讀練習,為畢業論文之寫作奠定基礎。 主要內容: 1. Basic rules of writing and comments on technical writing language. 2. How to prepare the title. 3. How to list the authors, affiliation, address and E-mail. 4. How to prepare the abstract. 5. How to write the introduction. 6. How to write the methods and materials. 7. How to write the results. 8. How to write the discussion and conclusion. 9. How to state the acknowledgements. 10. How to cite the references. 11. Choosing a journal. 12. Preparing a graph and how to design the tables. 13. Common statistical errors. 14. The cover letter. 15. Dealing with editors and referees. 16. Correcting proofs. 17. Authors responsibilities.
Make graduate students familiar with the format and techniques of paper writing. Let students understand how to submit papers in SCI, EI, and SSCI. Through practical writing and reading exercises, we will lay the foundation for the writing of graduation thesis. Main content: 1. Basic rules of writing and comments on technical writing language. 2. How to prepare the title. 3. How to list the authors, affiliation, address and E-mail. 4. How to prepare the abstract. 5. How to write the introduction. 6. How to write the methods and materials. 7. How to write the results. 8. How to write the discussion and conclusion. 9. How to state the acknowledgments. 10. How to cite the references. 11. Choosing a journal. 12. Preparing a graph and how to design the tables. 13. Common statistical errors. 14. The cover letter. 15. Dealing with editors and referees. 16. Correcting proofs. 17. Authors responsibilities.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.Day, R.A., How to write & publish a scientific paper, 5th Eds., Oryx Press, 2003.(textbook)
2.Gustavii, B., How to write and illustrate a scientific paper, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
3.Strunk, William, 鄒佩真譯,英文寫作風格的要素,所以文化,2010.
5.方克濤(Fraser, C.J.),英文科技寫作文法與修辭原則,全文,1995。
6.Knoy, Ted, 作好英語會議簡報,工業技術研究院,1995.
1.Day, R.A., How to write & publish a scientific paper, 5th Eds., Oryx Press, 2003. (textbook)
2.Gustavii, B., How to write and illustrate a scientific paper, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
3. Strunk, William, translated by Zou Peizhen, Elements of English Writing Style, So Culture, 2010.
4. Pan Zhenze, writing and publishing scientific papers, Yixuan Books Publishing House, 2001.
5.Fraser, C.J., Grammar and Rhetorical Principles of English Scientific and Technical Writing, full text, 1995.
6.Knoy, Ted, Prepare English Conference Presentations, Industrial Technology Research Institute, 1995.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Essay writing exercises
40 2篇論文寫作
Daily homework
15 5個主要作業
learning attitude
15 包括:出席率

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/7
授課教師 Teacher:王中行
修課班級 Class:工設碩1
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 12 人。

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