course information of 103 - 1 | 6415 Thesis Wirting (II)(論文寫作(Ⅱ))

Taught In English6415 - 論文寫作(Ⅱ) Thesis Wirting (II)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的目標定位在訓練論文計劃書(research proposal)的構思、寫作和執行能力。理想上,經由本課程的作業與討論,每位課程參與者將逐步形成其碩、博士論文的問題意識和研究方向,並期望在學期末完成一份正式的研究計劃書。這份計劃書或許可以繼續發展,成為妳﹧你們將來的碩、博士論文研究計劃書的基礎,這完全取決於每位課程參與者自己的規劃。就這門課而言,任課老師所關心的毋寧是各位書寫研究計劃書的學習過程。學期一開始,我們將從尋找研究謎題(puzzle-hunting)及安置問題意識(problematique-setting)開始,逐步進入文獻研究、概念架構的形成、假設的提出、資料蒐集的方式、可行性評估、撰寫研究計劃書以及執行研究計劃應該關照到的各個環節。身為任課教師的我們,會在環環相扣的知識生產過程中,以我們的經驗和妳﹧你們分享,盡全力協助妳﹧你們通關。但我們畢竟只是扮演「教練」的角色,妳﹧你們才是真正的players,妳﹧你們投入的程度將決定妳﹧你們自己的學習成果。The goal of this course is to train the ability to conceive, write and execute a thesis proposal (research proposal). Ideally, through the assignments and discussions in this course, each course participant will gradually form a problem awareness and research direction for his or her master's or doctoral thesis, and is expected to complete a formal research proposal by the end of the semester. This proposal may continue to develop and become the basis for your future master's or doctoral thesis research proposal. This completely depends on each course participant's own planning. As far as this course is concerned, the teacher is more concerned with the learning process of writing a research proposal. At the beginning of the semester, we will start with puzzle-hunting and problem-setting, and gradually move into literature research, formation of conceptual framework, formulation of hypotheses, data collection methods, feasibility assessment, All aspects that should be taken into consideration when writing a research proposal and executing the research plan. As teachers, we will share our experience with you in the interlocking knowledge production process, and do our best to help you pass the test. But after all, we are just playing the role of "coaches". You are the real players. Your level of investment will determine your own learning results.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 畢恆達,2005,《教授為什麼沒告訴我──論文寫作的枕邊書》。臺北市:學富文化。
2. Booth, Wayne C., Colomb, Gregory G., and Joseph M. Williams, 2003. The Craft of Research. 2nd edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.(※中譯:《研究的藝術》。臺北市:巨流,2009。)
3. 藍佩嘉,2008,《跨國灰姑娘:當東南亞幫傭遇上台灣新富家庭》。臺北市:行人。
1. Bi Hengda, 2005, "Why Didn't the Professor Tell Me - A Pillow Book for Essay Writing". Taipei City: Xuefu Culture.
2. Booth, Wayne C., Colomb, Gregory G., and Joseph M. Williams, 2003. The Craft of Research. 2nd edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (※Chinese translation: "The Art of Research". Taipei City : Juliu, 2009. )
3. Lan Peijia, 2008, "Transnational Cinderella: When a Southeast Asian Helper Meets Taiwan's Newly Rich Family". Taipei City: Pedestrian.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class participation, oral presentations and discussions
Four assignments (1-4)
Weekly issue memoWeekly issue memo
Weekly issue memo
20 凡有指定「研讀與討論文本」的週次,皆須繳交issue memo,約1500-3000字
Final report (thesis outline)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[SS304]
授課教師 Teacher:黃崇憲
修課班級 Class:社會博2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 4 人。

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