course information of 103 - 1 | 6517 Seminar (I)(專題研究(一))

Taught In English6517 - 專題研究(一) Seminar (I)

教育目標 Course Target

本所研究生於論文口試前須發表至少一篇論文於研討會或期刊雜誌,專題研究幫助學生完成此項論文寫作及投稿的工作,並完成其碩士論文計畫。Graduate students in our institute must publish at least one paper in a seminar or journal before taking the oral examination. Special research helps students complete the writing and submission of this paper and complete their master's thesis plan.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程之目標在於: 1.攝取研究經驗之機會 2.養成評鑑與批判之能力 3.透過互動以交換研究之心得
The goals of this course are to: 1. Opportunities to gain research experience 2. Develop the ability to evaluate and criticize 3. Exchange research experiences through interaction

參考書目 Reference Books

夏林清等譯(1997)。行動研究方法導論——教師動手做研究 。台北: 遠流。
徐宗國譯/Strauss, A. & Forbin, J.原著(1997)。質性研究概論。台北:巨流。
顧瑜君譯/Wolcott, H. F. 原著(1998)。 質性研究寫作。台北:五南。
王昭正、朱瑞淵譯/Jorgensen, D. L.著(1999)。參與觀察法。台北:弘智。
賴文福譯/Fetterman, D. M.原著(2000)。民族誌學。台北:弘智。
張君玫譯/Denzin, N. K. 原著(1999)。解釋互動論。台北:弘智。
Wang Wenke, Wang Zhihong (2008) Educational Research Method. Taipei: Wunan.
Edited by Hu Youhui (1996). Qualitative research. Taipei: Juliu.
Huang, Z. J. (1996). Qualitative educational research: Methods and examples. Taipei: Chinese Bookstore.
Huang, Ruiqin (1991). Qualitative educational research methods. Taipei: Psychology.
Translated by Huang Guangxiong (2001) Qualitative Education Research: Theory and Methods. Chiayi: Taoshi.
Compiled by Wang Wenke (1994). Qualitative educational research methods (2nd ed.). Taipei: Normal University Library.
Gao Jingwen (1996). Qualitative research methodology. Taipei: Normal University Library.
Chief Editor of Zhongzheng Education Research Institute (2000). Qualitative research methods. Kaohsiung: Liwen.
Translated by Xia Linqing and others (1997). An introduction to action research methods—hands-on research for teachers. Taipei: Yuanliu.
Cai, Qingtian (2000). Educational action research. Taipei: Wunan.
Chen, Huibang (1998). Educational action research. Taipei: Normal University Library.
Translated by Xu Zongguo/Original work by Strauss, A. & Forbin, J. (1997). Introduction to qualitative research. Taipei: Juliu.
Translated by Gu Yujun/Original work by Wolcott, H. F. (1998). Qualitative research writing. Taipei: Wunan.
Translated by Wang Zhaozheng and Zhu Ruiyuan/written by Jorgensen, D. L. (1999). Participant observation method. Taipei: Hongzhi.
Translated by Lai Wenfu/Original work by Fetterman, D. M. (2000). Ethnography. Taipei: Hongzhi.
Translated by Zhang Junmei/Original work by Denzin, N. K. (1999). Explain interactionism. Taipei: Hongzhi.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
written report

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/1
授課教師 Teacher:陳世佳
修課班級 Class:教育碩2
選課備註 Memo:請依指導教授選課
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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