course information of 103 - 1 | 7225 Study of Medical Law (I)(醫事法學專題研究(一))

Taught In English7225 - 醫事法學專題研究(一) Study of Medical Law (I)

教育目標 Course Target

學習醫事(包括「醫療」、「護理」、「防疫」、「藥物」、「保健」、「營養」、「法醫」等)的法律規範及法律觀念。學習將散佈於各種法律的條文中,做有系統的歸納,再分別就刑事責任、民事責任及行政責任,為深入淺出的整理成專論。解析醫事糾紛案例,如雙胞胎墮胎過失致死奇案、割包皮手術過失傷害趣案等,以提高學習興趣,增進醫事法律的實務經驗,並撰寫成創新、有價值的專論。指導有關醫事法律碩士論文的撰寫方法及技巧,以創作適合實用的醫事法律論著,並提高醫事法律學的水準。Learn the legal norms and legal concepts of medical affairs (including "medical treatment", "nursing", "epidemic prevention", "drugs", "health care", "nutrition", "forensic medicine", etc.). The learning will be scattered in various legal provisions, systematically summarized, and then compiled into monographs on criminal liability, civil liability and administrative liability in order to explain the profound things in a simple way. Analyze medical dispute cases, such as the strange case of twins' wrongful death in abortion, the interesting case of wrongful injury in circumcision surgery, etc., to increase interest in learning, enhance practical experience in medical law, and write innovative and valuable monographs. Provide guidance on writing methods and techniques for master's thesis in medical law, so as to create practical medical legal treatises and improve the standard of medical law.

參考書目 Reference Books

(八)蔡振修著,醫事法律總論增訂版、醫事過失犯罪析論、違反醫師法罪專論、護理人員的法律專論、矯治的 醫事法律與實務專論。
(1) Compiled and printed by the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan, medical management regulations, interpretations of the Medical Law, interpretations of the Physician Act, pharmaceutical affairs law, nursing staff law and related regulations.
(2) Published by the Supreme Court Legal Series Editorial Committee, the Supreme Court’s Civil and Criminal Judgments (Judgements on Medical Disputes).
(3) Published by the Medical Law Society of the Republic of China, Medical Business and Legal Practice, Dental Business and Legal Practice, Nursing Business and Legal Practice.
(4) Cai Dunming, Essentials of Medical Criminal Law and Selected Medical Dispute Judgments (Criminal Chapter).
(5) Li Shenglong, Introduction to Medical Regulations.
(6) Huang Dingquan, Medical Law.
(7) Wu Xianming, Compilation of Health Regulations (Medical Regulations).
(8) Cai Zhenxiu’s expanded edition of General Introduction to Medical Law, Analysis of Medical Negligence Crime, Monograph on Crimes Violating Physician Law, Legal Monograph on Nursing Staff, and Monograph on Medical Law and Practice in Correction.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
口頭報告1 20%口頭報告1 20%
Oral presentation 1 20%
口頭報告2 20%口頭報告2 20%
Oral presentation 2 20%
書面報告 60%書面報告 60%
Written report 60%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/1,2[L115]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡振修
修課班級 Class:法律碩博
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 13 人。

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