course information of 103 - 1 | 2278 Organizational Behavior(組織行為)

Taught In English2278 - 組織行為 Organizational Behavior

教育目標 Course Target

組織行為(Organizational Behavior,簡稱OB)是一種應用科學,引用各種相關的學術知識來解釋組織裡的現象。是結合各社會科學與管理學知識的學科,基於科學研究基礎探討組織中個體、團體及組織整體的學術領域,其目的是要改善組織的效能,透過系統的研究與論述使人們更了解組織。 1.組織行為重視整體行為,不僅是組織成員的個人行為。 2.組織行為根據組織建立宗旨有明確的目的性。 3.組織行為是組織成員互動或共同活動的行為。 4.組織行為是透過組織成員的個體行為來實現的,又影響成員的個體行為。 組織行為有助於人們更加瞭解組織中各種有關於組織成員的現象,透過組織行為的知識,可準確地預測人們的行為。對於管理者和上班族來說,有了組織行為的知識,不但可以預測未來的行為,也可以嘗試改變組織成員的行為。Organizational Behavior (OB) is an applied science that refers to various related academic knowledge to explain phenomena in organizations. It is an academic field that combines knowledge from various social sciences and management and explores individuals, groups and the entire organization in an organization based on scientific research. Its purpose is to improve the effectiveness of the organization and enable people to better understand the organization through systematic research and discussion. 1. Organizational behavior pays attention to the overall behavior, not just the individual behavior of organizational members. 2. Organizational behavior has a clear purpose based on the purpose of the organization. 3. Organizational behavior is the interaction or joint activities of organizational members. 4. Organizational behavior is realized through the individual behaviors of organizational members and affects the individual behaviors of members. Organizational behavior helps people better understand various phenomena related to organizational members in the organization. Through the knowledge of organizational behavior, people's behavior can be accurately predicted. For managers and office workers, with knowledge of organizational behavior, they can not only predict future behavior, but also try to change the behavior of organizational members.

課程概述 Course Description

Organizations and behavioral phenomena within organizations surround us in our daily lives. This course mainly introduces the relevant theories and contents of "organizational behavior". This course will be systematically conducted from the individual and group levels in the organization to help students understand the phenomena that occur between individuals and organizations in the organization, such as decisions, cognition, emotion, learning, motivation and decision-making at the individual psychological level; Social psychological aspects of attitude change, group decision-making processes, conflict and communication, etc. I hope this course can help students understand the organization in which you exist, and may also help you better adapt to modern organizational life.

參考書目 Reference Books

Peng Huaizhen (2012) Work and organizational behavior. Taipei: Juliu.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
40 兩次
midterm exam
final exam

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/1,Thursday/3,4[SS212]
授課教師 Teacher:彭懷真
修課班級 Class:社工系2
選課備註 Memo:預選限二年級
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 62 人。

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