course information of 113 - 1 | 4396 Physical Fitness and Health / Badminton(大一體育:體適能與健康/羽球)

4396 - 大一體育:體適能與健康/羽球 Physical Fitness and Health / Badminton

教育目標 Course Target

(課程目標) 一、培養學生對於基礎羽球的運動常識認知。 二、提升學生的個人心肺體適能(即心臟、肺臟、血管、組織細胞有氧能力的強化)。 三、透過羽球課程的進行,促使學生瞭解羽球運動之規則及戰術。 四、參與體育課程活動的進行,有助於舒緩學生課業壓力,使身、心、靈獲得解放。 五、本課程可訓練、培養、加強學生本身的專注力、協調性、速度性、爆發力、平衡性、敏捷性、反應時間。 (課程內涵) 健康體適能: 一、心肺耐力適能介紹: 1.有氧、無氧說明、介紹與理論基礎。 2.有氧、無氧運動類型介紹。 3.有氧、無氧運動訓練對身體的影響。 二、肌力適能介紹: 1.肌力、肌耐力說明、介紹與理論基礎。 2.肌肉或肌群的最大力量。 3.肌肉或肌群能重複活動的次數。 三、柔軟性適能: 肌肉周圍組織及關節可活動的範圍。 (一)核心肌群介紹: 1. 核心肌群理論的說明與介紹。 2. 核心肌群的訓練方式。 3. 核心肌群對個人生活上重要性與影響。 (二)體育常識的講解: 1. 增進學生對體育課程的基本認知。 2. 讓學生瞭解體育課程的核心目標與價值。 3. 讓學生瞭解健康體適能對現代人的重要性。(Course Target) 1. Cultivate students' common knowledge of basic badminton sports. 2. Improve students' personal cardiopulmonary fitness (i.e., strengthening the aerobic capacity of the heart, lung, blood vessels, and organizing cells). 3. Through the badminton course, students can understand the rules and combat methods of badminton sports. 4. Participating in physical education course activities will help students to relieve stress in class and liberate their body, mind and spirit. 5. This course can train, cultivate and strengthen the students' own attention, coordination, speed, explosion, balance, agility, and reaction time. (Connotation of course) Healthy fitness: 1. Introduction to cardiopulmonary endurance: 1. Explanation, introduction and theoretical basis for aerobic and non-oxygenated. 2. Introduction to aerobic and oxygen-free sports types. 3. The impact of aerobic and oxygen-free exercise training on the body. 2. Introduction to muscle strength: 1. Instructions, introduction and theoretical basis for muscle strength and endurance. 2. The maximum strength of muscles or muscle groups. 3. The number of times the muscles or muscle groups can repeat the activity. 3. Softness and fitness: the muscles surrounding the organization and the range that can be activated. (1) Introduction to core muscle groups: 1. Description and introduction of core muscle theory. 2. Training methods for core muscle groups. 3. The importance and impact of core muscles on personal life. (II) Explanation of common sense in sports: 1. Improve students' basic understanding of physical education courses. 2. Let students understand the core goals and values ​​of the physical education course. 3. Let students understand the importance of health fitness to modern people.

參考書目 Reference Books



1. Badminton textbook teaching methods and evaluation: Printed by the Ministry of Education. June 1997.

2. Shen Maoxiong (1996). Protection of sports injuries. National Sports Quarterly. 25(1). 24-30.

3. Wu Huijun (1995). The impact of lack of sports on human health. National Sports Quarterly. 24(4). 91-99.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Skill Test Rating
60 包含身體組成分析檢測5%、體適能10%、彈性學習5%
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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/1,2[體育館下館]
授課教師 Teacher:陳秀珠(體育室)
修課班級 Class:理學院,電機系,健運1
選課備註 Memo:理學院,電機系,健運1
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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