本課程旨在協助學生了解人力資源管理子系統在企業營運中的角色,認識完整的人力資源管理流程,以及各個功能的目的與內涵;使學生初步認識人力資源管理各功能的工具與操作,學習理論與實務的結合,融入並應用於生活見聞之中;並鼓勵學生於互動討論過程中發言,培養意見表達及獨力思考的能力。This course aims to help students understand the role of the human resource management subsystem in enterprise operations, understand the complete human resource management process, as well as the purpose and connotation of each function; to enable students to initially understand the tools and operations of various functions of human resource management, and learn The combination of theory and practice is integrated and applied to life experiences; and encourage students to speak in the interactive discussion process, cultivate the ability to express opinions and think independently.
人力資源管理(Human Resource Management)近年來深受國內企業界重視。人力資源管理是把人和組織結合在一起,透過系統化的方法,使個人得到發展,並達成企業組織目標為目的。本課程並以台灣產業界個案為例,探討人力資源管理之實務問題。
Human Resource Management has been highly valued by the domestic enterprise industry in recent years. Human resource management is to combine people and organizations, and through systematic methods, individuals can be developed and achieved corporate organization goals. This course also takes a case in Taiwan's industry as an example to explore practical problems in human resource management.
Noe et al. (2022). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. 9th ed. McGraw Hill.
no ee ta. (2022). fundamental is of human resource management. 9the. McGraw hill.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
個人作業個人作業 Personal action |
15 | |
小組觀點小組觀點 Group of views |
10 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | |
小組報告小組報告 Group Report |
25 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
20 |