我們生於斯,長於斯,在這塊土地上生活。台灣過去發生過的重大史實,於我們現實生活中關係密切。看不見的歷史,早已融日我們的生活之中,成為我們思想行為的一部分;而看的見的歷史,諸如古蹟、文物之類,更是觸手可及。我們從本土出發,循序漸進,進一步再鑽研中國的歷史與整個世界的歷史。參酌古今,即可擴大我們對所處社會與時代的認識。We were born, grew up, and lived on this land. The major historical facts that have happened in Taiwan in the past are closely related to our real lives. The history that we cannot see has long been integrated into our lives and has become a part of our thoughts and behaviors; and the history that we see is as ancient as the fields and cultural relics, which are even more accessible. We have developed from the local area, progressing step by step, and further studied the history of China and the history of the entire world. By considering the past and present, we can expand our understanding of the society and the times.
課本:薛化元,台灣開發史(修訂四版) 三民書局 2008年9月
Coursebook: Xue Huayuan, Taiwan Development History (Revised Fourth Edition) Sanmin Book Bureau September 2008
Zhou Wanyao: Overview of Taiwan History, Union, 1998.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
30 | |
學期考試學期考試 Period exam |
30 | |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
40 | 撰寫一篇3000字上下的鄉土史報告 |