臺灣由於地理位置特殊,自古以來歷史的發展便兼具海洋性與國際性的雙重性格。在明鄭與清朝是漢人移民的新天地,並經過荷、西與日本的殖民,政權更動頻仍,文化發展多元。本課程試由臺灣的歷史發展歷程中環境與人群的互動來探究台灣文化的各個面向,增進學生對於臺灣的認識。Due to its special geographical location, Taiwan's historical development has been a dual character of both marine and international nature since ancient times. In the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty were a new world for Han people to immigrate. Through the colonization of the Netherlands, the West and Japan, the government was still dynamic and the cultural development was diversified. This course test explores the various aspects of Taiwanese culture through the interaction between the environment and the population during the historical development of Taiwan, and improves students' understanding of Taiwan.
Chen Feng's picture, "History of Taiwan", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2011
Edited by Xue Huayuan, "History of Development in Taiwan", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2006
Written by Huang Xiuzheng, Zhang Shengyang, and Wu Wenxing, "History of Taiwan", Taipei: Wunan Book Bureau, 2002
Zhou Wanyao, "Taiwan History Pictures (Added Books)", Taipei: Joint Publishing Industry, 2009
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
筆試測驗筆試測驗 Testing |
30 | 期中考試將以申論題的方式作答,並提前將題目釋出,讓同學有充份時間查找資料準備應考,但是不開放openbook。 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 | 期末報告以分組報告的方式評分,包含書面報告與上臺發表兩個部分,並有相對應之評分標準(於授課第一節公告) |
出席率出席率 Attendance rate |
25 | 授課期間將進行數次點名並給予不同的出席分數,以鼓勵同學到課學習。 |
作業作業 Action |
15 | 視授課情形酌予簡單的作業(非專業報告),旨在協助同學認識家族與居住的土地。 |