course information of 103 - 2 | 3999 The Development of Chinese Culture(中華文化的發展)

Taught In English3999 - 中華文化的發展 The Development of Chinese Culture

教育目標 Course Target

這雖然是一門通識的歷史課程,但本課程將不講授政治朝代興替,更不需要背誦條約、戰爭或是事件與人物。「歷史(HISTORY / HERTORY)應該是屬於你 / 妳的故事。我們將從日常生活中所得所見的角度來解釋為何現代世界會演變成這樣。本課程的所有議題,在過去的施行上十分具有成效,大多數的學生都感到生動且前所未聞,並能從中學習到有用的知識與思維的方式。Although this is a common historical course, this course will not teach political dynasties, nor will it require memorization of contracts, wars, events and characters. "History (HISTORY / HERTORY) should be your story. We will explain why the modern world has become like this from the perspective of what we have learned in our daily lives. All the questions in this course have been very effective in the past implementation, and most students feel dynamic and unprecedented, and can learn useful ways of knowledge and thinking from it.

參考書目 Reference Books

Paul A.Cohen 著,李榮泰等譯《美國的中國近代史研究:回顧與前瞻》,(台北:聯經,1991)。
Reference Book |
Du Zhengjie et al. edited "History of Chinese Culture", (Taipei: Sanmin, 2005).
"Chinese Cultural Guided Reading (Second Edition)" from City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, 2006).
Gan Yanzhen's General History of China, (Taipei: Sanmin, 2001).
Zhou Wanyao's "Taiwan History Pictures (Revised Edition)", (Taipei: Union, 2009).
Liu Zhiqin and Wu Tingjia, "A Overview of Chinese Cultural History", (Taipei: Wenjin, 1994).
Huang Renyu's "Conversation on the History of China by the Heju River", (Taipei: Times, 1990)
Paul A. Cohen, translated by Lee Rongtai et al., "Research on Modern Chinese History in the United States: Review and Preview", (Taipei: Union, 1991).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Examination and attendance
100 期中考與期末考各佔30%,出席率佔40%

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/8,9[H308]
授課教師 Teacher:梁世佑
修課班級 Class:行政,社會,社工1
選課備註 Memo:0
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 72 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 72 人。

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