course information of 103 - 2 | 3991 The Development of Chinese Culture(中華文化的發展)

Taught In English3991 - 中華文化的發展 The Development of Chinese Culture

教育目標 Course Target

面對全球化的競爭,台灣勢必得進一步開放市場,同時融入世界的經濟體系中。然而在開放的同時,台灣會面臨來自世界各國的挑戰,當中也包含來自中國大陸的競爭。因此未來的數十年,兩岸關係如何處理,勢必是台灣無法逃避的重要議題。由於海峽兩岸的歷史糾葛,當台灣面對大陸的經濟競合,難免會有較多的考慮。在政治上,短時間內是無法得到確定的答案,但是台灣面對已名列世界第一大經濟體的中國大陸,究竟要如何自我定位,未來又要如何抉擇,這肯定是一個嚴肅的問題。對於未來,或許我們無法立即思索出方向,但我們可以由重新了解中國文化著手。透過了解中國文化長期的發展脈胳,再對照台灣在最近的四百年中產生的歷史變化,究竟台灣延續那些屬於中國傳統文化的部分,又出現那些不同以往的特色,知道台灣從何而來,要往那裏去,這對於了解台灣未來的方向,以及如何自我定位,勢必能提供些許助益。Faced with the competition for globalization, Taiwan must further open the market and integrate into the world's economic system. However, while opening up, Taiwan will face challenges from all over the world, including competition from mainland China. Therefore, in the next decade, how to deal with cross-strait relations will inevitably be an important issue that Taiwan cannot escape. Due to the historical historical relevance of the two sides of the Sea Island, Taiwan will not have more considerations when it comes to economic competition with the mainland. In politics, there is no definite answer in a short period of time, but Taiwan will definitely be a serious problem for the mainland of China, which is already ranked first in the world's largest economy, and how to decide in the future. For the future, maybe we can't think about the direction immediately, but we can start by re-understanding Chinese culture. By understanding the long-term development of Chinese culture and comparing with the historical changes that Taiwan has experienced in the past four hundred years, what are the parts of China's traditional culture that have continued, and what are the characteristics that have appeared in the past. Knowing where Taiwan comes from and where it is going, this will definitely provide some help in understanding Taiwan's future direction and how to position itself.

參考書目 Reference Books

Paul A.Cohen 著,李榮泰等譯《美國的中國近代史研究:回顧與前瞻》,(台北:聯經,1991)。
Du Zhengjie et al. edited "History of Chinese Culture", (Taipei: Sanmin, 2005).
"Chinese Cultural Guided Reading (Second Edition)" from City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, 2006).
Gan Yanzhen's General History of China, (Taipei: Sanmin, 2001).
Zhou Wanyao's "Taiwan History Pictures (Revised Edition)", (Taipei: Union, 2009).
Liu Zhiqin and Wu Tingjia, "A Overview of Chinese Cultural History", (Taipei: Wenjin, 1994).
Huang Renyu's "Conversation on the History of China by the Heju River", (Taipei: Times, 1990)
Paul A. Cohen, translated by Lee Rongtai et al., "Research on Modern Chinese History in the United States: Review and Preview", (Taipei: Union, 1991).

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Examination and attendance
100 期中考與期末考各佔40%,出席率佔20%

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-2
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,9[HT109]
授課教師 Teacher:陳麗惠
修課班級 Class:工學院1
選課備註 Memo:預選與第一階段限工學院一年級學生
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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