course information of 103 - 2 | 3939 Chinese (96)(中文:中國文學選讀)

Taught In English3939 - 中文:中國文學選讀 Chinese (96)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程預計透過中國文學所呈現出的人生百態來和吾人生活做結合。前事不忘後事之師,古人所歷經的人生也許是我們未來所將經歷的。誰說文學中的世情連接不上現代?因此本學期將從以下三個主題切入:「愛情」— 付出與放手的智慧、「人生」— 做人處事哲學、「自我」— 個人目標及理想確立。冀由文章所展現的不同思維,加之配合當時的社會背景,試圖解讀作者的本義;並聯結至現今吾人所面臨的各式問題與挑戰,以做為我們參考的目標。同時,也在古今不同的社會背景中,學著不以現代的新思維考量作品的不盡合理處,也試著將這些舊經驗賦予新思維,使之更符合時代所需。透過文本的閱讀及賞析,訓練學生閱讀及掌握重點的能力;藉由問題的提出與討論,激盪出各學系同學的不同看法,在彼此意見交流中,使同學的看法可以更多元;或將文本與歷史、文化、現代文學–如詩、戲劇或小說做結合,加強同學對文學、文化的熟悉度;輔以分組報告或討論,使學生由更多角度來看待世事,以提升自我思辯及語文表達能力。This course is expected to combine our lives through the life experience presented by Chinese literature. The teacher who never forgets the past and the future is probably what we will experience in the future. Who said that the world situation in literature cannot be connected to the modern era? Therefore, this period will start from the following three topics: "Love" - ​​wisdom of giving and letting go, "life" - philosophy of being a human being, "self" - personal goals and ideals. I hope to use the different ideas shown in the article, coupled with the social background at that time, to try to explain the author's original meaning; and contact the various problems and challenges we face today to serve as our goal for our reference. At the same time, in different social contexts of ancient and modern times, we have learned the inappropriateness of the work without considering the modern new thinking, and tried to give these old experiences new thinking to make them more in line with the needs of the times. Through reading and analysis of text, students can practice reading and master the key points; through raising and discussing questions, they can stimulate different views of classmates from different departments, so that their views can be more diverse in exchange of opinions and opinions; or combine text with history, culture, modern literature - such as poems, dramas or novels to enhance students' familiarity with literature and culture; and use sub-group reports or discussions to enable students to view the world from more perspectives to improve their self-thinking and verbal expression skills.

參考書目 Reference Books

2、蒲松齡撰:《聊齋志異 會校會註會評本》,台北:漢京文化,1984年。
1. Written by Akutagawa Dragonosuke and translated by Joe Xiang: "The World of Akutagawa Dragonosuke", Taipei: Zhiwen Publishing House, 1978.
2. Written by Pu Songjun: "Chatting the Episode of the School Meeting Review", Taipei: Hanjing Culture, 1984.
3. Written by Akutagawa Dragonosuke, Ye Di: "Rosen Gate", Taipei: Buffalo Press, 1992.
4. Cai Shouxiang: "Tangren Novel Selection", Taipei: Liren Book Bureau, 2002.
5. Written by Rong Menglong, annotated by Xu Wenzhu, and reviewed by Zhutianhua: "Yu Shimingyan", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2003.
6. Written by Rong Menglong, annotated by Liao Jilang, and Wong Tianhua: "Awakening the World and Everlasting the World", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2007.
7. Shu Pillow, Zhang Hongsheng’s Notes: "Tang Dynasty Selection", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2008.
8. Written by Rong Menglong, annotated by Xu Wenzhu, and reviewed by Zhutianhua: "Awakening the World and Everlasting the World", Taipei: Sanmin Book Bureau, 2008.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Midterm exam
Final exam
Course Participation
15 曠課超過四次,出席成績以零分計;曠課六次,依學校規定予以扣考
Sub-group discussion

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[H208]
授課教師 Teacher:趙苑夙
修課班級 Class:共必修1
選課備註 Memo:畜產系、食科系
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 65 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 65 人。

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