course information of 103 - 2 | 3901 Chinese (96)(中文:中國文學選讀)

Taught In English3901 - 中文:中國文學選讀 Chinese (96)

教育目標 Course Target

先秦散文在散文史上獨具特色,並且深深影響後代散文,本課程擬以一本先秦散文為主,輔以其他文學作品。先秦散文之作者可謂當代哲學家,不論是語言或是思辯能力皆是一時之選。透過解讀先秦散文之作品,不僅學到先哲的文字組織及表達能力,還能習得諸子智慧,有助於健全個人思維,增加個人競爭力、應變力、創造力等各項迎向未來之能力。Pre-Qin prose is unique in the history of prose and deeply affects future generations' prose. This course focuses on a pre-Qin prose and other literary works. The author of pre-Qin prose can be regarded as contemporary philosophers, whether it is language or thinking ability, it is a temporary choice. By interpreting the works of pre-Qin prose, you not only learn the writing structure and expression skills of the sages, but also gain the wisdom of the sages, which helps to improve personal thinking and increase the ability to move towards the future, such as personal competition, adaptability, and creativity.

參考書目 Reference Books

傅佩榮,《經典講座 老子:在虛靜中覺悟人生智慧》,天下文化出版,2014。
Fu Peirong, "The Truth of the Truth: Fu Peirong Talks to Laozi", Published by Tianxia Culture, 2006.
Fu Peirong, "Interpretation of Reading Laozi", Lichang Publishing, 2003.
Fu Peirong, "Classic Lecture Lao Tzu: Understanding the Wisdom of Life in the Silence", Published by Tianxia Culture, 2014.
Wang Bangxiong, "The Twelve Talks of Lao Tzu", published in Far Liquid, 2011.
Wang Bangxiong, "The Modern Interpretation of Laozi's Moral Book", Far-flow Publishing, 2010.
Chen Gu, "Laozi's Commentary and Introduction (New Edition)", Commercial Publishing, 2013.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Normal achievements
50 平常成績包括課堂討論、分組作業、出缺席
Midterm exam
25 期中考試
Final exam
25 期末考試

授課大綱 Course Plan

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-2
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/8,9[H306]
授課教師 Teacher:柯維盈
修課班級 Class:共必修1
選課備註 Memo:工學院
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 60 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 60 人。

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