course information of 103 - 1 | 6523 Qualitative Research Methods(質性研究)

Taught In English6523 - 質性研究 Qualitative Research Methods

教育目標 Course Target

為培養研究生研究之能力,本課程提供碩士學生對質性研究的議題與課題進行瞭解。透過閱讀相關的文獻與議題,我們將嘗試弄清楚我們平日所生活的社會是如何被運作,我們可以如何了解甚至描述我們身旁所發生的一些事。經由此門課,將讓你在未來的研究上提供幫助。 因此本門課的目標有三,首先透過文獻與主張,我們將對所謂的實證主義,後實證主義進行了解。接著我們會閱讀一些利用質性方法在教育進行的實證研究。最後我們將介紹一些可以在田野的採集的方法。In order to cultivate postgraduate research abilities, this course provides master's students with an understanding of issues and topics in qualitative research. By reading relevant literature and issues, we will try to figure out how the society we live in is run, and how we can understand and even describe some of the things happening around us. This course will help you with your future research. Therefore, this course has three goals. First, through literature and claims, we will understand the so-called positivism and post-positivism. Next we will read some empirical research using qualitative methods in education. Finally we will introduce some methods that can be collected in the field.

課程概述 Course Description

The content of the course is based on a selection of qualitative research methods for data generation and analysis that are often used within the administrative and policy sciences. Students will be given the opportunity to critically appraise qualitative research studies from their own research fields both individually and in seminars. Through active participation in seminars, different ways of collecting/generating and analyzing qualitative data will be discussed and analysed. In addition, in the form of a written assignment, students will plan their own qualitative studies and describe how they would carry out an analysis. This course offers a hands-on opportunity for graduate students to experience the practice of qualitative research. The course will require a moderate investment of time, with academically necessary reading and writing, recurrent team discussions based on assignments, and individual fieldwork. Teaching is in English and in the form of a course introduction, lectures and seminars.
The content of the course is based on a selection of qualitative research methods for data generation and analysis that are often used within the administrative and policy sciences. Students will be given the opportunity to critically appraise qualitative research studies from their own research fields both individually and in seminars. Through active participation in seminars, different ways of collecting/generating and analyzing qualitative data will be discussed and analyzed. In addition, in the form of a written assignment, students will plan their own qualitative studies and describe how they would carry out an analysis. This course offers a hands-on opportunity for graduate students to experience the practice of qualitative research. The course will require a moderate investment of time, with academically necessary reading and writing, recurrent team discussions based on assignments, and individual fieldwork. Teaching is in English and in the form of a course introduction, lectures and seminars.

參考書目 Reference Books

◊ 王文科、王智弘編譯(2002)。質的教育研究—概念分析。台北:師大書苑。
◊ Course reading packet*

◊ Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds.). (2000). Handbook of Qualitative Research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc.

◊ Patton, M. Q. (1990). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
【中文譯本:吳芝儀、李奉儒譯(1995 ) 。質的評鑑與研究。台北:桂冠】
◊ 胡幼慧主編(1996)。質性研究。台北:巨流。
徐宗國譯/Strauss, A. & Forbin, J.原著(1997)。質性研究概論。台北:巨流。
顧瑜君譯/Wolcott, H. F. 原著(1998)。 質性研究寫作。台北:五南。
Main teaching materials
◊ Compiled by Wang Wenke and Wang Zhihong (2002). Qualitative educational research—conceptual analysis. Taipei: Normal University Library.
◊ Course reading packet*

◊ Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (Eds.). (2000). Handbook of Qualitative Research (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc.

◊ Patton, M. Q. (1990). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
[Chinese translation: Translated by Wu Zhiyi and Li Fengru (1995). Quality evaluation and research. Taipei: Laurel】
◊ Editor-in-Chief Hu Youhui (1996). Qualitative research. Taipei: Juliu.
Huang, Z. J. (1996). Qualitative educational research: Methods and examples. Taipei: Chinese Bookstore.
Translated by Huang Guangxiong (2001) Qualitative Education Research: Theory and Methods. Chiayi: Taoshi.
Compiled by Wang Wenke (1994). Qualitative educational research methods (2nd ed.). Taipei: Normal University Library.
Gao Jingwen (1996). Qualitative research methodology. Taipei: Normal University Library.
Chief Editor of Zhongzheng Education Research Institute (2000). Qualitative research methods. Kaohsiung: Liwen.
Translated by Xu Zongguo/Original work by Strauss, A. & Forbin, J. (1997). Introduction to qualitative research. Taipei: Juliu.
Translated by Gu Yujun/Original work by Wolcott, H. F. (1998). Qualitative research writing. Taipei: Wunan.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
期末中(take home exam)期末中(take home exam)
Final exam (take home exam)
30 :按照每週教學進度, 進行相關文獻之閱讀。 期中考週依教師揭示之問題撰寫後繳交考卷。
Natural field observation practice assignments
15 選擇一自然場域,練習觀察,並撰寫觀察記錄
Interview practice assignment
15 研究生選擇一興趣的研究主題,並邀請參與對象,進行訪談,練習撰寫逐字稿。
Final research paper and report
40 以所選擇的研究主題,整合觀察與訪談資料,進行分析,進行實證研究,完成小論文報告,期末進行20鐘口頭研究結果之報告。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6,7
授課教師 Teacher:陳淑美
修課班級 Class:教育碩1,2
選課備註 Memo:3選1研究法課程之一
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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