course information of 103 - 1 | 6467 Qualitative Research Methods-(質性研究方法)

Taught In English6467 - 質性研究方法 Qualitative Research Methods-

教育目標 Course Target

研究讓我們更理解我們所生存的世界,這個陳述相信大家都能接受,但其牽涉到一個更根本的提問:我們如何認識與理解世界?質性研究是以不同於實證主義的視野來認識與理解世界。所以我們首先將從「人如何認識世界」這個「偉大的議題」著眼,來了解除了實證主義取向以外,還有什麼人們理解與認識這個世界的方法與取向。之後,我們將進一步介紹兩個不同取向的質性研究方法,並實際練習及操作這兩個方法。此外,我們也會以閱讀及分享論文的方式,來感覺質化取向所完成的作品會是什麼 Fu(學術一點地講,就是掌握質化研究所使用的語言)。 簡言之,透過這學期的學習,我們共同來經歷與體驗:換個「不同於實證主義的腦袋」來看事情;練習與操作分析文本來理解受訪者/文本所形構的社會世界;閱讀質性研究取向的作品來增進自己對質性研究的敏感度。Research allows us to better understand the world we live in. I believe everyone can accept this statement, but it involves a more fundamental question: How do we know and understand the world? Qualitative research understands and understands the world from a different perspective than positivism. Therefore, we will first focus on the "great issue" of "how people understand the world" to understand, in addition to the positivist orientation, what other methods and orientations do people use to understand and understand the world. After that, we will further introduce two qualitative research methods with different orientations, and actually practice and operate these two methods. In addition, we will also read and share papers to feel what the work completed with a qualitative approach will be like (in academic terms, it means mastering the language used in qualitative research). In short, through this semester's study, we have experienced together: looking at things with a "head different from positivism"; practicing and operating text analysis to understand the social world shaped by the interviewee/text; reading Works with a qualitative research orientation to enhance your sensitivity to qualitative research.

課程概述 Course Description

質性研究是以不同於實證主義的視野來看待世界,與實證主義有著在本體論、認識論與方法論上的歧異,所以本課程首先將針對質性研究的知識基礎與歷史脈絡進行介紹與討論。然,質性研究有許多不同的取向,每個取向也有其在認識論立場與方法上的差異,所以,本課程將選擇二種對社會工作領域較基礎、較常使用的質化研究取向來進行較深入的分析與討論,包括其發展歷史、基本理念、資料蒐集方法、資料分析方法等。 本課程的目標是以協助同學探索並選擇適合或接近自己研究立場,或是可以解答自己研究問題的質性研究取向;對於質性研究的成果有更具體的想像;以及培養同學具備初步執行質化研究的能力為重點;所以整體課程設計是以下述三個方向為主: 1、探索:釐清自己要探索什麼?如何探索?如何增加探索的敏感度? 2、閱讀:閱讀由質性研究的經典論文,來增進同學對質化研究的敏感度。 3、書寫:藉由指定作業讓同學不斷地書寫,來培養質性研究的寫作能力。
Qualitative research looks at the world from a different perspective than positivism, and is different from positivism in ontology, epistemology and methodology. Therefore, this course will first introduce and discuss the knowledge base and historical context of qualitative research. However, there are many different orientations in qualitative research, and each orientation also has its own differences in epistemological stances and methods. Therefore, this course will choose two more basic and commonly used qualitative research orientations in the field of social work. More in-depth analysis and discussion, including its development history, basic concepts, data collection methods, data analysis methods, etc. The goal of this course is to help students explore and choose a qualitative research approach that is suitable for or close to their own research position, or that can answer their own research questions; to have a more specific imagination of the results of qualitative research; and to cultivate students with preliminary execution qualities. The focus is on the ability of chemical research; therefore, the overall course design is based on the following three directions: 1. Exploration: Clarify what you want to explore? How to explore? How to increase the sensitivity of exploration? 2. Reading: Read classic papers based on qualitative research to enhance students’ sensitivity to qualitative research. 3. Writing: Cultivate writing skills in qualitative research by assigning assignments to allow students to write continuously.

參考書目 Reference Books

  林育珊譯,J. Grix 原著(2008)。《TOP研究的必修課:學術基礎研究理論》(The Foundations of Research)。台北:寂天文化。
李維倫、賴憶嫺(2009)。〈現象學方法論:存在行動的投入〉,《中華輔導與諮商學報》,第25期,頁275-   321。
李維倫、莫少依(2004)。〈生活世界取向的心理衡鑑:一種本土化的可能性〉,《本土心理學研究》,第24   期,頁85-135。
郭佩宜(2006)。〈我不是白人:一個人類學家的難題〉,載於郭佩宜、王宏仁主編,《田野的技藝:自我、研  究與知識建構》,頁63-90。台北:巨流。
王美懿、林東龍、王增勇(2010)。〈「病人」、「犯人」或「個人」?:男性家暴「加害人」之再認識〉,   《社會政策與社會工作學刊》,第14卷第2期,頁147-193。

Translated by Ding Xingxiang, Wang Yongzhi, Li Wenmei, Zhang Ciyi and Zeng Baoying (2006). Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Research Methods. Taipei: Yuanliu.
Translated by Lin Yushan, original work by J. Grix (2008). "Required Course for TOP Research: Academic Basic Research Theory" (The Foundations of Research). Taipei: Shantideva Culture.
Bihengda (2005). "Why didn't the professor tell me?" 》. Taipei: Xuefu.
Li Weilun, Lai Yixian (2009). "Phenomenological Methodology: Involvement in Existential Action", "Journal of Chinese Counseling and Counseling", Issue 25, pp. 275-321.
Li Weilun, Mo Shaoyi (2004). "Psychological Assessment of Lifeworld Orientation: A Possibility of Localization", "Indigenous Psychology Research", Issue 24, pp. 85-135.
Guo, Peiyi (2006). "I'm Not White: An Anthropologist's Dilemma," in "Crafts of the Field: Self, Research, and Knowledge Construction," edited by Guo Peiyi and Wang Hongren, pp. 63-90. Taipei: Juliu.
Wang Meiyi, Lin Donglong, Wang Zengyong (2010). 〈‘Patient’, ‘prisoner’ or ‘individual’? : Re-understanding of male domestic violence "perpetrators", "Journal of Social Policy and Social Work", Volume 14, Issue 2, pp. 147-193.
Cai, Peiyuan (2008). "I'm Just a Fat Man: Narrating a Journey Toward Freedom". Master's thesis, Institute of Health and Welfare, Yang-Ming University.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class reports and discussions
five assignments

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[SS302]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭怡世
修課班級 Class:社工碩2-4
選課備註 Memo:不開放推廣部附讀
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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