course information of 103 - 1 | 4467 (大二體育:進階羽球 )

Taught In English4467 - 大二體育:進階羽球

教育目標 Course Target

一.培養正確的運動觀念並且能養成參與運動的習慣。 二.鼓勵學生能利用休閒時間從事有益身心的運動。 三.鼓勵學生利用課餘時間參與休閒活動,增加同學之間的互動。 四.灌輸正確的羽球知識與技巧。 五.教授正確的羽球技巧並且能主動參與學習。 六.瞭解運動傷害所產生的原因。 七.瞭解運動傷害預防方式及傷害產生後處理方法。 八.瞭解羽球比賽規則並學習觀賞。1. Cultivate correct concepts of sports and develop the habit of participating in sports. 2. Encourage students to use their leisure time to engage in physical and mental sports. 3. Encourage students to use their spare time to participate in leisure activities and increase interaction between classmates. 4. Instill correct badminton knowledge and skills. 5. Teach correct badminton skills and be able to actively participate in learning. 6. Understand the causes of sports injuries. 7. Understand sports injury prevention methods and post-injury treatment methods. 8. Understand the rules of badminton and learn to watch them.

參考書目 Reference Books



1. Badminton teaching materials, teaching methods and evaluation: published by the Ministry of Education. June 1997.

2. Shen Maoxiong (1996). Prevention of sports injuries. National Sports Quarterly. 25(1).24-30.

3. Wu Huijun (1995). The impact of lack of exercise on human health. National Sports Quarterly. 24(4).91-99.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
skills test assessment
50 一.個人羽球技能表現. 二.參與比賽的表現. 三.個人學習前與學習後進步幅度
Affective evaluation
30 一.個人上課學習的態度與精神. 二.個人上課出缺情形. 三.上課與同學互動情形
cognitive assessment
20 一.體育常識相關表現.二.上課時老師所提出問題回應表現

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Course Information


學分 Credit:0-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/7,8[體育館下館]
授課教師 Teacher:鄭金昌
修課班級 Class:貿,統,資管,音樂2
選課備註 Memo:國貿,統計,資管,音樂2
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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