This course provides a fundamental understanding of corporate finance. The contents include two parts, the overview of the course and valuation and capital budgeting. These contents involve in financial statement analysis, cash flow valuation, investment decisions, risk analysis, bond valuation, stock valuation, the risk and return, capital structure and dividend policy. Students are expected to learn the basic concepts and relevant skills for this subject. This course enables students to build up the foundation in studying other finance subjects.This course provides a fundamental understanding of corporate finance. The contents include two parts, the overview of the course and valuation and capital budgeting. These contents involve in financial statement analysis, cash flow valuation, investment decisions, risk analysis, bond valuation, stock valuation , the risk and return, capital structure and dividen policy. Students are expected to learn the basic concepts and relevant skills for this subject. This course enables students to build up the foundation in studying other finance subjects.
The academic background of non-business management students is mostly limited to science, engineering, agricultural and medical departments and general basic management. It is likely that high-level management is insufficient in the context of increasing investment risks and diversified financial commodities. This course is designed for medical professionals to increase their understanding of corporate financial analysis and management and financial markets, so that students can make clear decisions for personal financial investment, corporate financial planning and management.
Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield and Jeffrey Jaffe, Corporate Finance
Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. west and field and Jeffrey JA method e, corporate finance
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席出席 Attend |
15 | |
課堂報告與討論課堂報告與討論 Class Report and Discussion |
25 | |
心得與實作報告心得與實作報告 Experience and practical report |
30 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
30 |