接續一年日文所學,透過解說句型結構等理解日語,使學生能達成中級程度的日語能力。同時介紹日本文化,使學生具有國際觀。A year after studying Japanese, I understand Japanese through the interpretation of sentence structures and other aspects, so that students can achieve intermediate Japanese abilities. At the same time, it introduces Japanese culture to give students international view.
『樂學日語』2 林嘉惠 緒方智幸合著 鴻麒創意 ISBN978-986-82447-3-3
"Learn Japanese" 2 Lin Jiahui and Chang Fang Zhixing Co-authored by Dong Qi Creative ISBN978-986-82447-3-3
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時分數平時分數 Regularity |
45 | 單字小考/出席/作業 |
期中考分數期中考分數 Midterm exam scores |
25 | 統一會考 |
期末考分數期末考分數 Final exam scores |
25 | 統一會考 |
彈性課程彈性課程 Flexible course |
5 | 繳交作業或報告 |