辛勤的耕耘必有甜美的果實。1 透過課本階進式的學習提升同學的日語能力
2 每一課皆有單字 文型 會話 練習及作業,
這些也都需要同學的勤勞背誦及複習才能成就自己的日語能力.1. Continue to learn Japanese for a year and continue to learn the intermediate courses of "Everyone's Japanese" Early Class II and Advanced Class I.
2. Choose appropriate supplementary textbook teaching to enhance the depth of grammar.
Lead learners to read clearly. Enable students to achieve the second half of the Japanese ability.
3. Strengthen the learner's listening and speaking skills in Japanese.
4. Learning language requires perseverance, and only by going through constant practice can you get to the level.
Hard work will surely have sweet fruits. 1. Improve students' Japanese abilities through advanced learning in the course of class
2 Each course has a single word, text type, session, practice and work,
These also require diligent memorization and refinement from classmates to achieve your Japanese abilities.
1 『大家的日本語』初級II 大新書局
2 『大家的日本語』進階I 大新書局
3 增強日語能力字典 旺文社
4 大家的日本語聽力練習 初級II 進階I 大新書局
1 "Everyone's Japanese" Junior High School II Daxin Bookstore
2 "Everyone's Japanese" Advanced I Daxin Bookstore
3 Dictionary of Enhanced Japanese Ability Wangwenshe
4 Everyone's Japanese Audience Practice Primary II Advanced I Daxin Bookstore
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時分數平時分數 Regularity |
45 | 小考 作業 出席率 上課態度等 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
25 | 筆試 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
25 | 筆試 |
自主學習自主學習 Independent learning |
5 | 依據教師規定繳交 |