因之,本課程奠基於社會科學研究方法的相關知識與技術,嘗試經由「做中學」(learning by doing)的過程,讓同學能夠實際操作及親自體驗社會科學的核心資料蒐集工具,如問卷調查法、深度訪談法等,並結合「學中覺」(reflection in learning)的概念,讓同學可以透過團體互動與腦力激盪的方式,尋找與設計合宜的資料分析技術。詳言之,本課程之規劃將以實際操作為主,理論探討為輔,目的是培養及精進修課同學在研究方法的知識與技術。
Research methods refer to the knowledge and technology that explore, describe and explain social phenomena using systematic and scientific investigation tools. Since social phenomena are usually embedded in complex social systems, unlike laboratory research that can freely set conditions, researchers must choose suitable data collection tools for planning based on the characteristics and attributes of the research topic, and design them to match the application. In this way, only by grasping the overall picture of social phenomena and clarifying the causes behind them. Therefore, knowledge and technology in social science research methods have become an indispensable key capability for contemporary policy makers or public managers.
Therefore, this course is based on the relevant knowledge and technology of social science research methods, and experiments with the "learning by doing" process, allowing students to actually operate and experience the core data collection tools of social sciences, such as questionnaire surveys. , in-depth interview method, and combined with the concept of "reflection in learning", so that students can find and design appropriate data analysis technologies through group interaction and brain stimulation. In detail, the planning of this course will be based on actual operation and theoretical exploration, with the purpose of cultivating and improving the knowledge and technology of students in the research methods in the course.
1. 鈕文英(2024)。研究方法與設計:量化、質性與混合方法取向(第四版)。雙葉書廊。
2. 紐曼(Neuman, W. L.)(2018)。研究方法:質化與量化方法之應用(郭思餘譯:第二版)。雙葉書廊。
1. Wang Wenying (2024). Research methods and design: quantitative, quality and mixed method orientation (Fourth Edition). Double Leaf Library.
2. Neuman, W. L. (2018). Research methods: Application of quality and quantitative methods (Guo Sihua: Second Edition). Double Leaf Library.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與課堂參與 Class Participation |
30 | 含到課率與參與度。 |
小組報告小組報告 Group Report |
50 | 含口頭報告與書面報告。 |
期中考試期中考試 Midterm exam |
20 |