1.說明從CAD圖檔轉換成CAM CNC程式碼的介紹,包含CNC工具機控制器面板的解說操作及切削加工注意等事項。
期望修習完本課程的學生能具備從CAD至CAM獨立操作的能力。1. Explain the introduction of converting from CAD files to CAM CNC programs, including explanation and operation of the CNC tool machine controller panel and cutting and machining precautions.
2. CNC tool operation.
It is expected that students who have completed this course will have the ability to operate independently from CAD to CAM.
SolidWorks CAMWorks 之自動化加工解決方案(附光碟) 徐永源編著 易習圖書ISBN:9789865835644
SolidWorks CAMWorks' automatic processing solution (with CD) by Xu Yongyuan Yimo Book ISBN: 9789865835644
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席、作業及小考出席、作業及小考 Attendance, work and exam |
20 | |
專案報告專案報告 Project Report |
40 | |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 |