course information of 109 - 1 | 5610 Qualitative Research(質性研究)

5610 - 質性研究 Qualitative Research

教育目標 Course Target

一、管理導向:醫療上有許多不易量化的指標,有賴質性的方法論來協助解決真實醫療或醫學研究上的議題。 二、研究面導向:許多醫管專班同學是以質性研究為碩士論文的主要方法論,所以需要知道這門學問的知識。 三、前沿性課題:當觀察樣本不足,需要有系統的探究新的前沿性知識,此時需要有對策方法深入追究學問。 四、醫療訪談法:探討如何進行醫療研究性的訪談方法。 1. Management orientation: There are many indicators in medical care that are difficult to quantify, and qualitative methodologies are needed to help solve real medical or medical research issues. 2. Research orientation: Many students in the medical management class use qualitative research as the main methodology for their master's thesis, so they need to know the knowledge of this subject. 3. Cutting-edge topics: When the observation sample is insufficient, new cutting-edge knowledge needs to be systematically explored. At this time, countermeasures and methods are needed to pursue the knowledge in depth. 4. Medical interview method: Discuss how to conduct medical research interview methods.

課程概述 Course Description

一、管理導向:醫療上有許多不易量化的指標,有賴質性的方法論來協助解決真實醫療或醫學研究上的議題。 二、研究面導向:許多醫管專班同學是以質性研究為碩士論文的主要方法論,所以需要知道這門學問的知識。 三、前沿性課題:當觀察樣本不足,需要有系統的探究新的前沿性知識,此時需要有對策方法深入追究學問。 四、醫療訪談法:探討如何進行醫療研究性的訪談方法。
1. Management orientation: There are many indicators in medical care that are difficult to quantify, and qualitative methodologies are needed to help solve real medical or medical research issues. 2. Research orientation: Many students in the medical management class use qualitative research as the main methodology for their master's thesis, so they need to know the knowledge of this subject. 3. Cutting-edge topics: When the observation sample is insufficient, new cutting-edge knowledge needs to be systematically explored. At this time, countermeasures and methods are needed to pursue the knowledge in depth. 4. Medical interview method: Discuss how to conduct medical research interview methods.

參考書目 Reference Books

Merriam, S. B. 等著 (2018.02) 質性研究:設計與施作指南,初版,臺北市:

Merriam, S. B. et al. (2018.02) Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Conduct, First Edition, Taipei:
Wunan Publishing House, ISBN: 978-957-11-9530-8.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
每週上課作業及回家作業 每週上課作業及回家作業
Weekly class homework and home homework
40 與教師自製教學系統互動
期中考 期中考
midterm exam
final exam

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/13[E230]
授課教師 Teacher:何子平
修課班級 Class:工工專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 17 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 17 人。

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