course information of 109 - 1 | 2565 Machine Shop Practice(工廠實習)

2565 - 工廠實習 Machine Shop Practice

教育目標 Course Target

■ 課程目標及內涵 (Course Objectives and Contents) 1. 認識各種工作母機的操作,並能說明其機械的加工所具備之特質。 2. 能正確選擇機械操作設備及器具之運用。 3. 能依加工製造程序的設計選擇最適當之加工方式。 4. 培養合作學習與問題解決的能力。 5. 養成蒐集資料之習慣事實的運用在加工程序的設計上。 6. 培養安全的工作習慣與正確的學習態度。 7. 養成團隊合作之精神。 8.訓練學生而日後能依其捨季的作品適時來運用這些工作母機的操作。 * 學生修畢此課程後所具備之能力 讓學生對於工廠內的所有機器操作,有良好的概念及充分的了解與認知,進而對於日後所設計的作品在加工程序上有所幫助。 再教導學生謝操作的同時讓期養成良好的操作習慣與安全防護進而保護自我的人身安全。 企業面對全球化與知識經濟時代的挑戰,對於人力資源之需求已由傳統上以學歷、技術、經驗為選才依據的觀念,逐漸轉換為具備創造思考、解決問題與組織協同合作之能力。學生修畢此課程,將能培養其創意思考能力、熟悉整體製造過程、實踐個人創意理念,為未來職場奠下良好基礎。■ Course Objectives and Contents 1. Understand the operation of various working masters and can explain the characteristics of their machinery processing. 2. Be able to correctly select the use of mechanical operating equipment and equipment. 3. Be able to choose the most appropriate processing method according to the design of the processing and manufacturing procedure. 4. Cultivate the ability to collaborate in learning and problem solving. 5. The practice of collecting data is used in the design of processing procedures. 6. Cultivate safe work habits and correct learning attitudes. 7. To cultivate the spirit of team cooperation. 8. The trainer can use these working masters to operate according to his or her works in the future. * The abilities that students have after taking this course This will allow students to have a good concept and a full understanding and understanding of all machine operations in the factory, and thus help the future design works. Then teach students how to improve their operation and protect their personal safety. In the face of challenges of globalization and the economic era of knowledge, enterprises have gradually transformed from the traditional concept of learning, technology, and experience to have the ability to create thinking, solve problems and cooperate with organizations. Students will be able to cultivate their creative thinking ability, be familiar with the overall manufacturing process, and implement personal creative concepts, laying a good foundation for future careers.

課程概述 Course Description

開啟創意思考及創新思維、面對問題與解決問題的能力,讓企業在面對全球經濟不景氣下的挑戰,對員工選才的基本要求。現代學校教育必須適當調整,因應企業之需求,培養學生創造思考能力,提昇其未來職場競爭力。本教學課程以最基本的工作機具為例,讓學生陪養其興趣,導入創造思考教學概念,融入傳統的製造實習課程中,目的是讓學生在學得諸多理論之餘,能結合實際的基本工作機具的操作,進而磨練技巧與實踐創意理念結合的機會。 1. 認識各種工作母機的操作,並能說明其機械的加工所具備之特質。 2. 能正確選擇機械操作設備及器具之運用。 3. 能依加工製造程序的設計選擇最適當之加工方式。 4. 培養合作學習與問題解決的能力。 5. 養成蒐集資料之習慣事實的運用在加工程序的設計上。 6. 培養安全的工作習慣與正確的學習態度。 7. 養成團隊合作之精神。 8.訓練學生而日後能依其捨季的作品適時來運用這些工作母機的操作。 讓學生對於工廠內的所有機器操作,有良好的概念及充分的了解與認知,進而對於日後所設計的作品在加工程序上有所幫助。 再教導學生謝操作的同時讓期養成良好的操作習慣與安全防護進而保護自我的人身安全。 企業面對全球化與知識經濟時代的挑戰,對於人力資源之需求已由傳統上以學歷、技術、經驗為選才依據的觀念,逐漸轉換為具備創造思考、解決問題與組織協同合作之能力。學生修畢此課程,將能培養其創意思考能力、熟悉整體製造過程、實踐個人創意理念,為未來職場奠下良好基礎。
The ability to start creative thinking and innovative thinking, face problems and solve problems will allow enterprises to face challenges in the face of global economic downturn and the basic requirements for employee selection. Modern school education must be properly adjusted. According to the needs of enterprises, students can cultivate their creative thinking ability and improve their future career competition. This teaching course takes the most basic working tools as an example, allowing students to accompany their interest, introduce creative thinking teaching concepts, and integrate them into the traditional manufacturing practice course. The purpose is to allow students to learn a lot of theoretical discussions, combine the operation of practical basic working tools, and then combine skills with practical creative concepts. 1. Understand the operation of various working masters and can explain the characteristics of their machinery processing. 2. Be able to correctly select the use of mechanical operating equipment and equipment. 3. Be able to choose the most appropriate processing method according to the design of the processing and manufacturing procedure. 4. Cultivate the ability to collaborate in learning and problem solving. 5. The practice of collecting data is used in the design of processing procedures. 6. Cultivate safe work habits and correct learning attitudes. 7. To cultivate the spirit of team cooperation. 8. The trainer can use these working masters to operate according to his or her works in the future. This will allow students to have a good concept and a full understanding and understanding of all machine operations in the factory, and thus help the future design works. Then teach students how to improve their operation and protect their personal safety. In the face of challenges of globalization and the economic era of knowledge, enterprises have gradually transformed from the traditional concept of learning, technology, and experience to have the ability to create thinking, solve problems and cooperate with organizations. Students will be able to cultivate their creative thinking ability, be familiar with the overall manufacturing process, and implement personal creative concepts, laying a good foundation for future careers.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.工具機及金工實務(戴文龍 編著) 逢甲書局

機械工業乃一切工業之母,而工具機又為機械工業之基礎,顯然工具機技藝之精通實為重要之一環 工具機之類型頗多<至少有500種以上,其中最具代表性者乃切削型工具機 本書根據上之基本元哩,深入淺出的說明各種零件之加工方法及加工設備與工具裝置與使用 書凡二十張,皆以食物為主理論為輔,內容力求詳盡,

2.工廠實習-木模(工廠實習編輯委員會編著) 新科技書局


3.機械製造(原著 PhillpF.Ostwald Jairo Munoz 編譯呂立鑫.林秀賢.張 昀.張廷政.張庭瑞.喻立信.蔣样第.蕭錫謙) 高立圖書有限公司

1. Tools and Metalworking (edited by Dai Wenlong) Fengjia Bookstore

The mechanical industry is the mother of all industries, and tool machines are the foundation of the mechanical industry. Obviously, the proficiency in tool machines is actually one of the important rings. There are many types of tool machines 2. Factory practice-wood mold (edited by the Factory Practice and Editing Committee) New Science and Technology Book Bureau

2-1 Wooden mold material
2-2 Safety matters for wood mold work
2-3 Wooden mold hand tools
2-4 Use and maintenance of wooden mold machines
2-5 Wood mold production principle
2-6 Wood mold making practical example

3. Machinery Manufacturing (original PhilpF.Ostwald Jairo Munoz, edited by Lu Lixin, Lin Xiuqin, Zhang Yun, Zhang Tingzheng, Zhang Tingrui, Yu Lixin, Liu Yingdi, Liu Xixi) Gao Li Book Co., Ltd.

3-1 The essence and characteristics of the material
3-2 Basic components of tool machine
3-3 Metal cutting
3-4 Car sales, crocodile, pond, milling tool machine
3-5 steel beds, pull beds, cow head beds and dragon door beds
3-6 Process automation

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance rate
Learning attitude
Finished product acceptance

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/8,9,10[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:楊燿隆
修課班級 Class:工設系1B
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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