輔導學生分發至連鎖或知名之餐旅業實習,於大四上學期開學前完成第二階段350小時之實習。以培養學生專業能力,並將理論與實務相結合,使順利成為日後業界之管理人才。Guidance students are assigned to internships in chain or well-known restaurants and tourism industries, and they will complete the second phase of 350 hours of internship before the start of the first semester of their senior year. To cultivate students' professional abilities and combine theory with practice, so that they can successfully become management talents in the industry in the future.
In order to cultivate students' professional abilities and combine theory with practice, so that students can successfully
Become a management talent in the industry in the future.
東海大學 餐旅管理學系 學生實習實施要點
Tunghai University, Department of Hospitality and Hospitality Management, Student Internship Implementation Points
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
實習考核表實習考核表 Internship Assessment Form |
35 | |
實習報告實習報告 Internship report |
50 | |
實習工作紀錄表實習工作紀錄表 Internship work record form |
15 |