course information of 106 - 2 | 2864 Thesis Project(專題設計)

Taught In English2864 - 專題設計 Thesis Project

教育目標 Course Target

本課程目標在於訓練學生將前三年所學予以融合應 用,或針對習者個人設計旨趣與未來之生涯規畫深入 探討特定課題,並將研究所得予以驗證的設計創作過程。The purpose of this course is to train students to integrate what they have learned in the first three years, or to deepen the personal design goals of the practitioner and future career planning. Explore specific subjects and verify the research results.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程為畢業專題,旨在訓練學生將三年所學綜合予以應用,或,針對個人設計旨趣深入探討,並將研究結果透過驗證的過程予以實現。其目標為: 1. 採分組指導制,落實師徒精髓專精所學。 2. 採階段性發表,以凝聚概念構想並探討設計的價值與可行性。 3. 從資料蒐集、分析、歸納入手,設計概念發想展開,以迄精緻模型製作與呈現。
This course is a graduation topic and aims to train students to apply the comprehensive application of three years of learning, or to explore the personal design interests in depth, and realize the research results through a verification process. Its goal is: 1. It adopts a group guide system and implements the essence of the teacher and his disciples. 2. Segmented publication to consolidate conceptual concepts and explore the value and feasibility of design. 3. Starting from data collection, analysis, and study, the design concepts are developed and developed, and the production and presentation of the so-called exquisite model.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.Mcdonough, William/ Braungart, Michael原著,中國21世紀議程管理中心/ 中美可持續發 展中心譯,從搖籃到搖籃(Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Making Things):綠色經驗的設計提案,野人文化股份有限公司,2008
3.Burdek, Bernhard E.著,胡飛譯,產品設計: 歷史、理論與實務(Design: History, Theory and Practice of Product Design) ,中國建築工業出版社,2007
1. Mcdonough, William/ Braungart, Michael original, China 21st Century Management Center/China-US Sustainable Development Center, from Cradle to Cradle (Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Making Things): Design Proposal for Green Experience, Wild Man Culture Co., Ltd., 2008
2. Zhan Weixiong, style technology: the business practice of 13 creative bosses in Taiwan, British Cayman Islands Family Media (Stock) Company City-British, 2008
3.Burdek, Bernhard E., Hu Feilu, Product Design: History, Theory and Practice of Product Design, China Construction Industry Press, 2007
4. Zhan Weixiong, Economics of Aesthetics: 60 Micro-Views of Taiwan’s Social Change, British Cayman Islands Home Media (Stock) Company City-British, 2005

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Design development process and learning participation
50 由各指導老師評定,含期末報告書製作。
Performances of joint release of results at all stages
50 由所有參與發表會教師評分

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

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必修-7047 Advanced Design Studio / 專題設計 (建築碩1C,授課教師:邱國維,一/5,6,7,8,四/2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9[系館])
必修-7173 Thesis or Design Project / 論文或專題設計 (景觀碩2-4,授課教師:景觀教師/黃宜瑜,)

Course Information


學分 Credit:4-4
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:謝志成/陳明石/李皆欣/李俐慧/柯耀宗/葉文凱/羅際鋐/莊育昇/張國賓/賴寬憲/陳勇廷
修課班級 Class:工設系4
選課備註 Memo:上學期不及格不得續修下學期;上課時間另定
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 30 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 30 人。

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