本課程乃學士班「畢業作品」的前導性課程。課程目標為引導同學們學習製作畢業作品的相關知識與技能,選修同學在修習本課程結束後,能於製作畢業作品時有對應其作品的專業知識與素養。本課程任課教師將邀請相關領域的專業教師或業界教師到課堂上引導同學們學習專題製作的相關知識與技能,期待透過不同專業領域的學習、刺激與激盪,結合哲學的知識與素養,以實作導向設計具有哲學內涵的專題。最後,本課程也將引導同學認識專題設計與實作的相關學術倫理問題。This course is a pre-directed course for the bachelor's class "Employment Works". The course objective is to guide students to learn the relevant knowledge and skills in producing graduation works. After the course is completed, students can have professional knowledge and cultivation of their works in producing graduation works. In this course, the teacher will invite professional teachers or professional teachers from related fields to the class to guide students to learn related knowledge and skills in topic production. We hope to combine philosophical knowledge and cultivation through learning, stimulation and excitement in different professional fields to create philosophical ideas and literacy. Finally, this course will also introduce students to relevant academic ethics issues in identifying topic design and implementation.
This course is a preparatory course for senior year’s “Employment Works”, focusing on introducing proposal design and possible presentation of work.
Digital teaching materials or lectures are provided by each unit lecturer.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
30 | 出席率15%,平時課堂與分組的討論與表現15% |
單元二與單元三之專題設計與實作單元二與單元三之專題設計與實作 The special design and implementation of single two and single three |
30 | |
單元五到單元十之專題設計與實作單元五到單元十之專題設計與實作 Design and implementation from single five to single ten |
40 |