1. 學習微生物學的基礎理論知識
2. 掌握微生物應用的基本原理和技術Professors’ theory and practical application of microbiology can enable students to master the basic principles and techniques of applying microbiology based on the basics of gaining practical theoretical knowledge.
1. Learn basic theoretical knowledge of microbiology
2. Master the basic principles and techniques of microbial applications
Gerard J. Tortora, Berdell R. Funke, Christine L. Case. Microbiology: An Introduction. Benjamin Cummings; 12 edition (January 10, 2015). ISBN-10: 0321929152.
Gerard J. Tor Tora, b and Dell R. fun, Christine l. case. microbiology: an Introduction. Benjamin Cummings; 12 edition (January 10, 2015). ISBN-10: 0321929152.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
40 | 隨堂考試、作業、出席狀況與平時表現 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
20 | 針對老師指定的專題個別進行資料收集與書寫報告 |
期中考期中考 Midterm exam |
20 | 期中考 |
期末考期末考 Final exam |
20 | 期末考 |