� 瞭解資料的(中央)位置與分散度的意義與衡量
� 瞭解如何運用統計圖表來呈現統計資訊
� 熟悉機率的基本觀念與運算
� 瞭解抽樣的過程與意涵,並能瞭解抽樣分配的意義
� 知道如何進行假設檢定與統計估計
� 能夠實際運用統計軟體與工具
在計算出統計結果之後,能夠運用這些結果進行決策或提出政策建議By the end of the semester, students should be able to:
� Understand the meaning and measurement of (central) position and dispersion of data
� Understand how to use statistical charts to present statistical information
� Be familiar with the basic concepts and operations of probability
� Understand the process and meaning of sampling, and understand the significance of sampling allocation
� Know how to perform hypothesis testing and statistical estimation
� Ability to use statistical software and tools practically
After calculating statistical results, these results can be used to make decisions or make policy recommendations.
量化研究方法主要在提供公共行政與公共政策研究所須的各種計量分析工具。透過本課程的學習,希望同學能瞭解應用統計的基本觀念,知道何時與如何進行統計分析,能實際運用統計軟體,並有能力解讀無所不在的統計數字。因此,除去統計理論的研習之外,本課程亦將要求同學 hands-on 實際操作統計軟體 (如SAS或SPSS)。
Quantitative research methods mainly provide various quantitative analysis tools required for public administration and public policy research. Through the study of this course, students are expected to understand the basic concepts of applied statistics, know when and how to perform statistical analysis, be able to actually use statistical software, and have the ability to interpret ubiquitous statistics. Therefore, in addition to the study of statistical theory, this course will also require students to practice hands-on statistical software (such as SAS or SPSS).
張紹勳等,民國91年,SPSS for Windows 統計分析─初等統計與高等統計,松崗圖書公司
Lin Huiling, Chen Zhengcang, 1998, Applied Statistics, 4th edition, Shuangye Bookstore. (Designated textbook)
Zhang Shaoxun et al., 1991, SPSS for Windows Statistical Analysis─Elementary Statistics and Advanced Statistics, Songgang Book Company
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
作業作業 Homework |
10 | |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
40 | |
期末考期末考 final exam |
40 | |
到課及參與討論情形到課及參與討論情形 Attending classes and participating in discussions |
10 |