course information of 103 - 2 | 6105 Electronic Commerce.(電子商務)

Taught In English6105 - 電子商務 Electronic Commerce.

教育目標 Course Target

介紹與電子商務相關之架構模式,現況應用與未來發發展,提昇學生們電子商務之學理與應用知識.Introduce the architecture model related to e-commerce, current application and future development, and improve students' e-commerce knowledge.

課程概述 Course Description

e-commerce, it represents a transaction process carried out and completed online. However, e-commerce not only involves electronic communication, cooperation, exploration and discovery of related resource procedures, but also involves applications such as electronic chemistry learning, electronic government and other applications. E-commerce has changed business activities and various operational models, and will have a profound impact on human life.

參考書目 Reference Books

電子商務概論, 第三版, Efraim Turban著, 張瑞芬總編譯, 華泰文化
E-commerce Overview, Third Edition, by Efraim Turban, edited by Zhang Ruifen, Huatai Culture

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Regular achievements
50 課堂參與、心得報告、小組個案研討
Midterm topics
Final topics

授課大綱 Course Plan

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相似課程 Related Course

必修-4927 Seminar in Electronic Commerce / 電子商務專題討論 (逢甲大學,授課教師:外校教師,)
選修-5578 Electronic Commerce. / 電子商務 (工工碩3,授課教師:彭 泉,一/6,7,8[IEⅡ104])
選修-6194 Secure Electronic Commerce / 電子商務安全 (資管3,4,碩1,2,授課教師:張榮庭/陳澤雄/李冠廷,三/6,7,8[PG201])
選修-6194 Secure Electronic Commerce / 電子商務安全 (資管3,4,碩1,2,授課教師:張榮庭/陳澤雄/李冠廷,三/6,7,8[PG201])
選修-6194 Secure Electronic Commerce / 電子商務安全 (資管3,4,碩1,2,授課教師:張榮庭/陳澤雄/李冠廷,三/6,7,8[PG201])
選修-6199 Electronic Commerce Research / 電子商務研究 (資管碩1,2,授課教師:吳金山,一/3,4,二/4[M425])
選修-7216 E-Commerce Law & Cross-Border Litigation / 電子商務法與跨國訴訟 (法律碩博1,2,授課教師:石佳立,二/6,7[L205])

Course Information


學分 Credit:0-3
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/11,12,13[M243]
授課教師 Teacher:王本正
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:
This Course is taught In English 授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 14 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 14 人。

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